john wrote:
> I'm amazed! I've always thought that recumbents were faster everywhere
> except up hill. Why are all absolute top speed records held by bents?
"Recumbents" covers a very wide range of bikes, and so as far as their
speed goes it makes no more sense to assume a BikeE is as fast as an M5
Crabon Lowracer than it does to assume a Schwinn Cruiser is as fast as a
Trek Madone.
> I've thought it was due to reduced wind resistance due to not having
> both leg & shoulder cross section in the wind. Plus being more fairing
> friendly (what's that called? FF?).
Yes, but... the particular bike the OP is about is not especially
aerodynamic and his (and mine) doesn't have a fairing. It's built as a
recumbent for reasons of comfort and load carrying as an expedition
tourer, jobs at which I think it's exceptionally good, but fast it ain't.
> I've considered getting a bent for the supposed speed advantage. If
> they are not faster, then why in gods name bother!!!???
The "if" depends on the model. If you want to go fast get one built for
speed. The OP's bike is emphatically not.
> they are a lot of bother (40#; 8' long; 16' long chains; mixed wheel
> sizes; non-standard parts [even more non-standard than conventional
> bikes]; etc.)
Length will also depend on models, FWD models don't have long chains,
plenty exist with matched wheel sizes, most of the parts /are/ standard
on many examples (mine has standard wheels, brakes, gearing, cranks,
pedals, headset, bottom bracket and takes standard panniers). By
careful choice from a huge range of models available you can fine tune
what you want and get a great deal, but just going out and buying "a
recumbent, generic" will probably leave you sorely disappointed.
> Where did I get the idea they are fast?
Maybe the 30% better hour record and 81 mph flying 200m speed record...
On "real roads" a recumbent holds the UK "End to End" John O'Groats to
Land's End record, and so on. But those aren't any old recumbents,
they're built for speed.
Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
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