Danny Colyer wrote:
> I don't have a better suggestion, except perhaps to avoid the use of
> cycle lanes altogether. I'm reluctant to suggest avoiding the use of
> pinch points, because as a ped there are times when I find pedestrian
> refuges very useful.
Surely the point is don't put pedestrian refuges in situations where
the carriageway is reduced below ~4.5m? I've no objection to making it
easier for peds to cross a road by dividing it into 2 operations (you
used to be OK doing this without a refuge - don't think I'd try it
these days tho') - just that the overall road width needs to flare to
maintain the carriageway width. Pinch points per see are a 'cyclist's
nightmare', IMHO (OK, OK - 'require skill to negotiate safely' - I'd
still rather they weren't used tho').
> I don't have a better suggestion, except perhaps to avoid the use of
> cycle lanes altogether. I'm reluctant to suggest avoiding the use of
> pinch points, because as a ped there are times when I find pedestrian
> refuges very useful.
Surely the point is don't put pedestrian refuges in situations where
the carriageway is reduced below ~4.5m? I've no objection to making it
easier for peds to cross a road by dividing it into 2 operations (you
used to be OK doing this without a refuge - don't think I'd try it
these days tho') - just that the overall road width needs to flare to
maintain the carriageway width. Pinch points per see are a 'cyclist's
nightmare', IMHO (OK, OK - 'require skill to negotiate safely' - I'd
still rather they weren't used tho').