[ Mon, 26 Jun 2006 00:03:25 +0200 ]
[ John of Aix |
[email protected] ]
[ <
[email protected]> ]
:> Heh...you said "energies in to such utter" when any educated person
:> would have known to say "into."
:I'll sack my typist.
Don't worry about it, John. When Snorky/"Grand Beckoning" can't make a
substantive argument, he resorts to pathetic stabs at the opponent's
intellect. Pointing out a typo is just a means of surrender for him,
though he likely doesn't know that about himself.
Bryan S. Slick, onyx_hokie at yahoo dot com
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
(Salvor Hardin in 'Foundation', Isaac Asimov)