"David L. Johnson" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> On Tue, 24 May 2005 06:51:41 -0400, Ken wrote:
>> I have never seen or heard of anyone hitting a deer on a bicycle!
>> But the bike woould probably get the worst of it.
> I haven't hit one, but I had a very close call. A deer came zooming
> across the road between me and another rider. It came through heavy brush
> so there was no way to see it in advance, and it was just chance that it
> didn't come through a fraction of a second earlier, or later, and collide
> with one of us.
> I make it a point to watch for deer, and call them out to other riders.
> If you see one, there are others nearby, too.
> --
> David L. Johnson
2 Deer stories (from about 20 I could tell you. I live in a very rural area
and they're a constant danger).
I live in the Upstate area of South Carolina. There's a story going around
about a rider out of Greenville, SC who was descending the Saluda Grade (a
favorite climb north of Greenville) when a deer jumped out of the woods.
They crashed. The deer was a buck with a nice rack and the bike frame
became entangled in the deer's antlers. The deer bounded off into the woods
with the bike still entangled and left the rider stranded on the
mountainside. Neither the bike nor the deer were seen again. I'm not
sayin' it's a true story. It's just goin' around.
Second story. Tonight on the way home from a club ride in a town about 45
minutes north of me I was coming down a country highway doing about 65.
There was a vehicle oncoming and, as we were about to meet, a deer bounded
into the road from my side. I slammed on the brakes and missed it. The
oncoming car creamed it just as the deer/car combo was even with my driver
side door. I could hear the impact and, in my rear view mirror, I could see
the car go all over the road trying to maintain control. Had it happened 2
seconds earlier, that car might have hit me head on. Of course, I drive a
huge honkin Ford F150 4x4 farm truck ... so it would have gone better for me
than for them in all probability. Anyway, they were fine, but their car was
a mess. It didn't go so well for the deer, either.
Bob C.
"Of course it hurts. The trick is not minding that it hurts."
T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia)