Cyclo-Core- anyone (besides ric) want to discuss?

steh254 said:
Couldn't you find these same exercises in a workout book? Or are they that specific which makes these DVDs that unique?

they're mass produced DVDs -- they can't be specific to anyone. (that doesn't mean that the exercises aren't good, bad or indifferent -- just not specific).

The exercises (if they're not on the bike exercises) can't be specific to cycling, because they won't be specific to the joint angle, velocity and force that occurs during cycling. see the gymming thread (stickied at the top of the page).

Felt_Rider said:
It seems like Cyclo-Core has it's own forum.
Maybe there is a more lively discussion to be had there?

For me I will just stick with the Ablounger (TM) to increase my cycling performance. :D
You too ??!! Just 30 seconds a day with my buns of steel device and I now rocket up hills that used to bring me to a halt ! Thank you Suzanne !!
Do you find a "zone" of 3 - 4 repetitions / minute a suitable level of exertion with that lounger ? Any faster and I have to take smaller pizza bites.
Anything for those "pony keg " abs ...
steh254 said:
How long and how often have you been using these two programs? The package that I was looking at included the Core, Zen and Speed DVDs and also included downloadable training plans on: climbing, speed & TT and century rides. All at a discounted price of $155. I was thinking that this was pricey. What I just wrote sounds like a plug/advertisement for the product, but it isn't! I'm just looking for others that have used the aforementioned products that post on this forum as opposed to the Cyclo-Core mentioned by lisandom. For all I know the owners post them. Thanks.

I have been using the Core/Zen programs for a year. I purchased the Speed program but the benefits do not seem as significant. I would reccomend staying with the Core /Zen stuff.

I cannot speak for the specific coaching/training plans.
steh254 said:
Couldn't you find these same exercises in a workout book? Or are they that specific which makes these DVDs that unique?

Yes, you probably can find this stuff in a book. Save your money & take a trip to your local public library.