On May 20, 6:27 pm, SMS <
[email protected]> wrote:
> Ed Pirrero wrote:
> > Never killed any plants or animals on the trail - at least, no more
> > than I would have on foot.
> That's really the bottom line. All the experts agree that mountain
> bikers don't have any more impact than hikers, and in some cases the
> mountain bikers have less impact.
> If we're aiming for zero impact, then all visitors, regardless of mode
> of transit will have to be banned, and maybe that's a good idea in some
> areas. But absent a total ban, mountain biking is as good use of the
> back country as hiking, and no worse for the trails, animals, or plants
> (at least according to all the studies done thus far).
> >> Or prevent the RUTS you are creating.
> > I don't create ruts.
> The whole rut thing is bogus. Hikers create ruts too, but boots create a
> different shape rut than hooves or tires. Responsible mountain biking is
> as important as responsible hiking.
I have been riding the same trails locally for about 6 years. For the
most part, these trails are limited to MTBers and hikers. No horses,
no motos.
The company that owns the land has been very generous to allow us to
ride there, and we are happy to be able to do so. I take part in the
trail maintenance program, and I can tell you that the trails most
used by MTBs are in much better shape than the trails in a nearby
state park. The difference? No MTBers allowed on the state park
trails. The state park trails are rutted and have erosion problems.
Same geology, similar amounts of users, at least from observing
trailhead parking and trail occupancy.
The trail maintenance we do amounts to removing blowdowns and
occasionally improving runoff routes to minimize erosion. There are
no ruts. There has been some trail widening at a few switchbacks, but
not too bad, and easily cured by strategic rock and log placement.
Since Mike has never seen these trails, he's just making it up.
Again. I guess, if I were less charitable, I would call that LYING.
But I wouldn't, because I am charitable.