On Jul 25, 6:57 pm, "Joe the Aroma" <
[email protected]> wrote:
> > Oh yes. Democratic societies would build BIKE LANES and have HEALTH
> > INSURANCE, though I don't know how the last one applies here.
> Errr, no they wouldn't. The last might be true if most people didn't have
> health insurance.
You think the only democratic activity is voting a president every
four year, who's really no different from the opposition?
Democratic endeavors would make people participate --demand--
healthcare and bike lanes by those who most need it. That's a wrong
concept of "democracy" you have.
> > OK, and where are they coexisting? Perhaps in small places like Key
> > West? No wonder people feel so free down there.
> Well... not in a lot of places. We need to change some policies changed in
> this country, along with some fundamental assumptions. I won't get into
> them, other than to say that the one that comes to mind is that driving is a
> "right" and not a "priveledge".-
That's a good one, but also need to change what we look in a candidate
--not soundbites but ISSUES.
"History has tried hard to teach us that we can't have good government
under politicians. Now, to go and stick one at the very head of the
government couldn't be wise." -Mark Twain
Yes, we, the Banana Revolution, has decided to join the race to the
White House with a unique specimen that will not lie, launch
territorial wars, or oppose environmental commitments. Well, he's not
given to many words, but he's a real doer. A "man of action" so to
speak. And he doesn't even eat large salaries and kickbacks, just
peanuts. Oh, and he's all for EVOLUTION (revolution where it is
denied), since he realizes the need for change. He will indeed
challenge laws long established in the jungle like THE LION'S SHARE (a
few keep the best part of the pie), MONOPOLY (like that held by the
automobile), THE BIG FISH EATS THE LITTLE FISH (try riding a bike out
there), EVERYONE TO HIMSELF (too bad you don't have medical
insurance), etc. Without further ado...
Isn't he loveable?* Well, we won't send him up there without proper
tools because we plan to arm him with something his predecessors
lacked: A POLITICAL PLATFORM, in writing, so anyone --WE THE PEOPLE--
can follow it, and there's no forgetting of electoral promises. Anyway
here's our Platform:
There are additional advantages to having a puppet up there:
1- No need for expensive campaigns which are financed by the
2- Some say presidents are puppets to the same corporations, so having
a real puppet is a very attractive proposition
3- They are cute, unlike some of our presidents who scare people.
Well, just kidding...
And, if you think it would be selfish for us to submit our own
Platform exclusively, we may as well consider similar proposals going
for meaningful necessary change. Case in point is this outside
"When you hold views which are radical from the perspective of the
status quo, it's hard to write a political platform, because it's hard
to know exactly where to stop. If I were going to write a platform
giving full voice to my values, it would include measures such as
putting a cap of $10 million on the total of tangible and liquid
assents which any individual is permitted to own, above which there is
a 100% tax, and a substantial penalty for attempted evasion, with the
proceeds going to assorted social programs. What I've written below is
much more modest; it is a move in a particular direction, but not
nearly so fundamental a departure from the status quo."
* As you may have noticed, the "UK" on the stuffed monkey seems to
indicate he's got a British pedigree. And we don't want that since we
fought a King George so we could have our own President George. Anyway
as soon as we find an American puppet we'll put it up there. Not easy
though when most products are "Made in China." Or perhaps it just
doesn't matter in the era of globalization.