Caffine Joke


New Member
Nov 6, 2003
3 kids are in trouble at school. The first kid walks into the principal's office. The principal asks him why he is in trouble and the kid says he is on Marijauna. The next kid got in trouble for being on cocain. then the third kid got in trouble for messing around in class. when the principal asked him what he is on he replyed "caffine"
Originally posted by bikefreak101
3 kids are in trouble at school. The first kid walks into the principal's office. The principal asks him why he is in trouble and the kid says he is on Marijauna. The next kid got in trouble for being on cocain. then the third kid got in trouble for messing around in class. when the principal asked him what he is on he replyed "caffine"

I dont get it :confused:
Originally posted by bikefreak101
3 kids are in trouble at school. The first kid walks into the principal's office. The principal asks him why he is in trouble and the kid says he is on Marijauna. The next kid got in trouble for being on cocain. then the third kid got in trouble for messing around in class. when the principal asked him what he is on he replyed "caffine"

Budda-Bing Budda-Bang!
Hey bikefreak101, could you please explain this one to the group. Maybe we'll think it's funny then.


p.s. - caffeine -- I just don't get it.
hahahahahahahhaa you can't spell caffeine

That's what's funny, right??? That's the joke? lol

(I don't get the 'joke')
bikefreak101 said:
3 kids are in trouble at school. The first kid walks into the principal's office. The principal asks him why he is in trouble and the kid says he is on Marijauna. The next kid got in trouble for being on cocain. then the third kid got in trouble for messing around in class. when the principal asked him what he is on he replyed "caffine"

???????????????? i don't get it????????????
the druggies are fine in class, and its illegal

the trouble makers on caffeine and its legal
bikefreak101 said:
3 kids are in trouble at school. The first kid walks into the principal's office. The principal asks him why he is in trouble and the kid says he is on Marijauna. The next kid got in trouble for being on cocain. then the third kid got in trouble for messing around in class. when the principal asked him what he is on he replyed "caffine"

That is the worst joke I have ever heard in my life. I choose option four and may God have mercy on your soul.
TrekDedicated said:
hahahahahahahhaa you can't spell caffeine

That's what's funny, right??? That's the joke? lol

(I don't get the 'joke')
Yea, that's the joke right ? You misspelled caffeine. Real funny, not !!!
TrekDedicated said:
hahahahahahahhaa you can't spell caffeine

That's what's funny, right??? That's the joke? lol

(I don't get the 'joke')
Now this is funny! I vote for this one!
