Caffeine intake


New Member
Mar 7, 2005
Just came across this on the AIS website:

The gist of it is:

1. Six milligrams of caffeine for every kilo of body weight one hour before competition would assist athletes. Cup of coffee has about 60 mg.
2. Caffeine produces a "small but worthwhile enhancement" during endurance events +4hrs.
3. At higher doses heat rate can increase, ALTERATIONS IN MOTOR CONTROLL and over-arousal (Hello ladies).

Any body using it in a scientific manner? does dehydration become an issue? Loss of motor control? I don't even want to know about arousal.

As an aside caffeine was taken of the WDA and the UCI banned list in 2004. See page 6, caffeine is expressly excluded from the list.

Anyone? Anything?
AussieRob said:
Just came across this on the AIS website:

The gist of it is:

1. Six milligrams of caffeine for every kilo of body weight one hour before competition would assist athletes. Cup of coffee has about 60 mg.
2. Caffeine produces a "small but worthwhile enhancement" during endurance events +4hrs.
3. At higher doses heat rate can increase, ALTERATIONS IN MOTOR CONTROLL and over-arousal (Hello ladies).

Any body using it in a scientific manner? does dehydration become an issue? Loss of motor control? I don't even want to know about arousal.

As an aside caffeine was taken of the WDA and the UCI banned list in 2004. See page 6, caffeine is expressly excluded from the list.

Anyone? Anything?

where it is quoting "arousal" it does not mean anything to do with "hello ladies". It means how aroused, you are in terms of anxiousness or panicky prior to e.g., a race