Caffeine and cycling

Fixey said:
Bugger Caffine, try EPH (now legal I believe). I used it to lose a few KG in my last "comeback" While it may have been proven not to enhance performance it sure as hell wakes you up and shoots Kg's off the midriff like you wont believe!!!! When not training I drop 1.5 - 3lt of Coke a day.....Im an addict what can I say :(

Fixey, what does "EPH" short for and where does one get it ?
jhuskey said:
I am aware that a lot of so called power drinks and gels contain caffeine. I for one do not consume caffeine in any form. I was wondering how many of you do caffeine daily in some form either just to wake up or a an engery booster for training.

Why no Caffeine ? Good stuff maynard!
pcs_ronbo said:
Why no Caffeine ? Good stuff maynard!

I have never wanted coffee and I guess I never felt the need for artificial stimulus.
jhuskey said:
I have never wanted coffee and I guess I never felt the need for artificial stimulus.

So I'm guessing you don't have 2 small kids, your own company, and decided to retire from being a couch potatoe 31 wks ago and need to loose 100 lbs (ok 150lbs).

O wait. That's me. :D
pcs_ronbo said:
So I'm guessing you don't have 2 small kids, your own company, and decided to retire from being a couch potatoe 31 wks ago and need to loose 100 lbs (ok 150lbs).

O wait. That's me. :D

it's a great tasting drink -- my fave is a Lavazza Qualita Rosa espresso - not sure if you can get Lavazza in the States?

Last night (12 Aug), a British channel, Channel 4, aired a very interesting programme on the effects of legal and illegal supplements on athletes.
One LEGAL supplement tested was caffeine tablets which were shown to be beneficial in endurance events, in this particular case the 5000m. Over 6 weeks the athlete improved his performance by 5.1%. The programme explained how caffeine (in large amounts, something like the equivalent of 15 cups of coffee in one dosage) can improve performane as it uses fat as an extra source of energy during endurance exercises.
It would be mainly used as a stimulant on the day of a race for example, maybe not as a regular supplement in a training regime.
Irish Indurain said:
Last night (12 Aug), a British channel, Channel 4, aired a very interesting programme on the effects of legal and illegal supplements on athletes.
One LEGAL supplement tested was caffeine tablets which were shown to be beneficial in endurance events, in this particular case the 5000m. Over 6 weeks the athlete improved his performance by 5.1%. The programme explained how caffeine (in large amounts, something like the equivalent of 15 cups of coffee in one dosage) can improve performane as it uses fat as an extra source of energy during endurance exercises.
It would be mainly used as a stimulant on the day of a race for example, maybe not as a regular supplement in a training regime.

the programme was pretty dire, and the 'study' was badly conducted. i'd interpret the *magnitude* of the results with great caution

ric_stern/RST said:
it's a great tasting drink -- my fave is a Lavazza Qualita Rosa espresso - not sure if you can get Lavazza in the States?


Or Lavazza Crema Gusto is also rich and full of caffeine.

Or grow your own. We grow our own here on the north coast of new south wales and it is every bit as good as imported coffee. About 100 kg each year - enough for family and friends to enjoy. :cool:
mitosis said:
Or Lavazza Crema Gusto is also rich and full of caffeine.

Or grow your own. We grow our own here on the north coast of new south wales and it is every bit as good as imported coffee. About 100 kg each year - enough for family and friends to enjoy. :cool:

yes, the Crema Gusto is good too -- i normally buy the beans and grind them myself.

okay, i don't know anything about growing coffee beans... but does it require somewhere hot to do that? the hottest we get here is the high 20's in Wales. but that sounds great that you grow your own. if you can tell me more...

pcs_ronbo said:
So I'm guessing you don't have 2 small kids, your own company, and decided to retire from being a couch potatoe 31 wks ago and need to loose 100 lbs (ok 150lbs).

O wait. That's me. :D

No not exactly. Have had my own company brfore,have a very stressful job now,have had small kids,could stand to lose another 4 or 5 lbs and have stayed in fair shape most of my life. Nervous enough already I guess.
Beer is good.
jhuskey said:
No not exactly. Have had my own company brfore,have a very stressful job now,have had small kids,could stand to lose another 4 or 5 lbs and have stayed in fair shape most of my life. Nervous enough already I guess.
Beer is good.
Nothing better than a pint or 2 of ice cold fluid washed down with a very generous triple esspresso, allegedly helps speed up the metaolism and helps in the production of energy from fats.

it works for me plus the twitch that it causes does wear off and the ability to remain still does return after an hour or so for me too. comes in handy before a ride when you gotta help the missus do the housework before you bugger off to leave her with the kids for the day.

closesupport said:
Nothing better than a pint or 2 of ice cold fluid washed down with a very generous triple esspresso, allegedly helps speed up the metaolism and helps in the production of energy from fats.

it works for me plus the twitch that it causes does wear off and the ability to remain still does return after an hour or so for me too. comes in handy before a ride when you gotta help the missus do the housework before you bugger off to leave her with the kids for the day.


Oh no not you too I do the floors and the dusting and of course the outside stuff. Sometimes the bathrooms. Not allowed to touch the laundry or the dishes ,seems I just am incompetent at it. Too bad!!!! But I am still a man. I am!! Just ask me.
jhuskey said:
Oh no not you too I do the floors and the dusting and of course the outside stuff. Sometimes the bathrooms. Not allowed to touch the laundry or the dishes ,seems I just am incompetent at it. Too bad!!!! But I am still a man. I am!! Just ask me.
the dishes used to be one of my chores, but i found that some guy invented an applience called a dish washer, thought i could save myself some time by investing in one of these, now i got the ironing once a week in its place...

hey! all part of the bargain, gets me out on the road and keeps the missus off my back. Maybe one day science will come up with something that could stop her saying you love and care more about those bikes than me and the kids.

Which is not true, they are all equally apart of my family :)
mitosis said:
Or Lavazza Crema Gusto is also rich and full of caffeine.

Or grow your own. We grow our own here on the north coast of new south wales and it is every bit as good as imported coffee. About 100 kg each year - enough for family and friends to enjoy. :cool:

Didn't know coffee could be grown in Aus. Curious, how far north are you, and how far from the coast? Assume it's a frost-free climate. Also, if you don't mind, how many trees and how much land is required? Thanks.
ric_stern/RST said:
yes, the Crema Gusto is good too -- i normally buy the beans and grind them myself.

okay, i don't know anything about growing coffee beans... but does it require somewhere hot to do that? the hottest we get here is the high 20's in Wales. but that sounds great that you grow your own. if you can tell me more...


Its a temperate to sub tropical environment. The trees grow among bananas (enjoying the partial shade and increased humidity) and started growing wild after the arabica seeds planted grew and shed more seeds.

They were then cared for a little, thinned out and now there is about 200 trees (on an area of about 0.5 Ha (a bit over 1 acre). The berries are hand picked when ripe (bright red), then taken to a nearby processing plant run by two little old ladies (true) who have put an enormous amount of time money and energy into developing coffee as a viable cottage industry here.

The processing is the difficult bit. The berries are peeled, revealing a sweet yellow fruit which is then fermented for 24 hours, the pulp is removed, the seeds are dried and then roasted (the most important step for development of flavour). Then its ready for drinking. I've tried the processing myself but there is so many crucial points in it that it is best to leave it to the experts.

The home grown beans have become richer in flavour over the years (about 15), have medium level of caffeine and develop a thick crema - think I'll have one now.

Temperature wise its marginal here so wales might be a little cold - they don't tolerate frost. Good luck!

For dhk: There is a small but significant industry here that caters for the boutique market here and overseas. Something like 100 tonnes of roasted beans each year. Its mostly hand picked and so that only the ripe beans are taken. This ensures the best quality and taste. There are growers all around here, stretching into southern queensland. We're about 30 degrees south and most of the coffee is grown within 50 k's of the coast. Its not Brazil but the coffee is premium quality, earning a premium price.
Probably the thing to do first is to see if you BP is in the ideal range. If it's a little high, you might see an improvement if you avoid all stimulants--caffeine included. I stopped drinking my favorite beverage, green tea, a few days ago, and my bp has dropped into the normal range. It was high normal. I also dropped excessive use of the salt shaker at the same time. I think I'm carrying maybe 1/2 to 1 kg less body weight now, which I attribute to less retained body fluid due to improved circulation and kidney function. My guess is that my dropping of caffeine and salt will lead to an improvement in riding. I know I already bettered my hill climb time up one familiar route, and I wasn't even fully recovered from a very long ride I did 6 days sooner. If you're packing less body weight up a 12 to 20% grade, this small weight drop will make a difference.
closesupport said:
the dishes used to be one of my chores, but i found that some guy invented an applience called a dish washer, thought i could save myself some time by investing in one of these, now i got the ironing once a week in its place...

hey! all part of the bargain, gets me out on the road and keeps the missus off my back. Maybe one day science will come up with something that could stop her saying you love and care more about those bikes than me and the kids.

Which is not true, they are all equally apart of my family :)

I don't seem to be able to load it correctly. The dishwasher that is. She may be a little obsessive. Nah !Its just me over sensitive. Fortunately she is as obsessive about ridings a bike as me.I can still kick her butt especially on the big climbs.Oh! Olympic cycling back on now Hincapie making a move.