Caffeine and cycling

jhuskey said:
I am allowed to dust and vacumn at will.

Same here, hard to make the incompetance trick work there. Have found that dusting pictures or the TV screen with the rag that has the Endust on it will get me fired for the day.

Just end up moved to vacuuming though. Such is life.
cucamelsmd15 said:
Caffeine=diuretic=bad. It will cause you to lose water, which is precious in the summer heat like I have right now. Look at most of your OTC diet suppliments or water pills, and most contain alot of caffeine. Ive found since I kicked caffeine, I sleep much better at night.

Studies show that the overall affect with regards to water balance and coffee is positive. That is the intake of liquid with coffee or cola drinks more than makes up for the loss of water due to the diuretic effect. Drink up.

You will sleep better without caffeine.
Actually hypertension, thats elevated blood pressure, is a huge deal. A talk with your Dr. would reveal that the AMA would like to lower the definition of hypertension to 120/85. Because even at this significantly lower level than the current definition the risk of stroke begins to ramp up quit rapidly. So I would have to say that hypertension is something to be worried about.
jerryz said:
Actually hypertension, thats elevated blood pressure, is a huge deal. A talk with your Dr. would reveal that the AMA would like to lower the definition of hypertension to 120/85. Because even at this significantly lower level than the current definition the risk of stroke begins to ramp up quit rapidly. So I would have to say that hypertension is something to be worried about.

Does this mean I shouldn't exercise, as this raises my blood pressure?
Roadie_scum said:
Does this mean I shouldn't exercise, as this raises my blood pressure?
Har har har ROFL. No but there is an increased risk of embolism and other forms of stroke during exercise because of the increased blood pressure. The risk from hypertension comes from the continuous state that it put you in. Exercise doesn't do that. Your blood pressure should return to normal after you stop exercising.