First, I'm not a cyclist... I'm an equestrian and I broke my collarbone two weeks ago. BUT your board was the biggest source of information and real life stories for me when I needed to make a decision so I wanted to give my thanks and share my suggestion.
Two weeks ago I got bucked off and heard the crunch. The ER Dr, took xRays, put me in a Figure 8 and made an appointment for a specialist. The Ortho Dr recommended surgery based on the complexity but it was of course my option. I became quite an emotional wreck in the Drs office because going under anesthesia has always been my biggest fear in life to the point where I refused anything during childbirth and had 17 shots of novo for my wisdom teeth extraction.
Anyway, I kept staring at my xray and reading everyone's stories here and comparing their xrays with mine. I decided on the surgery which I had a week ago. Had a follow up appointment yesterday and I'm progressing nicely. Follow up appointments in 4 weeks and 6 weeks.
The anesthesia was fine. The last words I heard were "time for your happy juice honey" and I woke up in the discharge room. The Dr told my family it was much worse when they opened me up. I ended up with 9 pins/screws and the plate.
Recovery Process Week One:
While I'm sure it is different for everyone, I didn't take anything other than Advil. I used a bag of frozen peas every hour.
The night after surgery, I went to a concert. I had bought the tickets almost a year ago and wasn't about to not go!! I was totally fine.
I have been really good about not lifting anything with the left arm (more than a filled coffee cup). Today I did 2 loads of laundry in our basement using a rolling cart to tow.
Initially the muscle in my neck to shoulder area was tight but that has loosened up and now I have a full range of motion in my neck. I still haven't lifted my arm up, that has to wait. I'm doing non-weight baring exercises with them all day.
The worse part was actually the sore shoulder blade from the muscle tightening but I've been using a heating pad to try to loosen it up. I swear an ice pick would work better to dig out the knot its created but no one will oblige.
I'm a tummy sleeper so finding a comfy position was challenging. I finally found that sleeping on my side on the couch with pillows behind me sorta cushioned me in worked as did sleeping on my side in bed with a body pillow to rest my arm with. I still can't sleep on my back or sleep sitting up.
I'm getting back into the swing of things. When I do over extend myself my muscle gets tight and I rest. Dr says that the muscles have to heal that they cut open. I'm honestly probably fine to drive since I live in LA I may take another week or two off because it's the holidays.
I'm not allowed to do yoga or pilates yet so I'm trying to improvise but I miss my workouts and honestly I think they helped make this relatively easier than I thought.
Things to Make Life Easier:
Shower seat for the tub
Removable Shower Head/hose to use
Body Pillow to sleep with
Have groceries delivered
Amazon is your best friend
Rolling Cart to tow heavy objects
Heating Pad
All in all I'm grateful because it could have been much worse. I am thankful to all who have posted in this thread, it's truly a wealth of honest information. I don't want to derail the purpose of this thread but I assume y'all get back on the bike once you heal??? First major fall/broken bone at 51 so my heads not too sure what to do.