Originally Posted by willy81 .

no I don't like it because the cyclist's left arm is a few meters away from him/her.
sorry, no harm intended mate. my parents showed it to me, thought it would cheer me up, and to be honest it did :)
my family and i tend to have a wired kind of humor through tough times.
Originally Posted by screwed .

sorry, no harm intended mate. my parents showed it to me, thought it would cheer me up, and to be honest it did :)
my family and i tend to have a wired kind of humor through tough times.
no problem dude, just getting a bit too sensitive with injuries.
Originally Posted by Savannah S .

Hi I’m a newbie on the forum.
My 13 year old daughter who rides bicycles as well as horses fell off her horse 11 days ago. Crashed a jump really badly. She was severely concussed and sustained a type 2B 100% displaced mid third clavicle fracture. Ortho advised sling and rest. An x-ray after a week revealed no improvement in bone alignment. In fact the miss-alignment had worsened and her shoulder on that side looks considerably shorter than the opposing. Ortho then said to keep sling on and come back in another four weeks. My concerns are as follows:
  1. - No attempt was made to make a closed reduction to realign the ends of the clavicle.
  2. - With the large degree of bone separation and angle of the bones there appears to be a strong likelihood of soft tissue interposition impairing natural alignment.
  3. - Reading informs me that bone fusion is most likely to take pace if it is going to at 14 days. If this be the case then my beautiful daughter will likely be deformed for life or end up with non union if the bone ends calcify preventing union.
Are my concerns real or am I misjudging the Ortho’s opinion?
John Waterson
Hey John,

I'm sorry to hear about your little girl. One the good side of things, she's only 13! She still has a lot of growing to do, thus she'll heal up in no time. The CB doesn't get it's full hardness at the age of 21, so my guess is she will heal up like nothing happened. However, don't take my word on it and ask your doctor. Make sure she not moving around too much until the bones heal up in the right place. Kids usually heal up in less than 2 months if not a sooner. I hope she's not in too much discomfort.

Here's my scar looks now. Aug 7 was my op and if I'm not mistaking I'm in my 13th week post op. My scar is fading a bit, as you can see. :(
screwed said:
sorry, no harm intended mate. my parents showed it to me, thought it would cheer me up, and to be honest it did :) my family and i tend to have a wired kind of humor through tough times.
There's zero wrong with the picture you posted. In fact, things will be right as rain as soon the EMS folks snap his/her shoulder back onto him/her.
Originally Posted by ezcompany .

Hey John,

I'm sorry to hear about your little girl. One the good side of things, she's only 13! She still has a lot of growing to do, thus she'll heal up in no time. The CB doesn't get it's full hardness at the age of 21, so my guess is she will heal up like nothing happened. However, don't take my word on it and ask your doctor. Make sure she not moving around too much until the bones heal up in the right place. Kids usually heal up in less than 2 months if not a sooner. I hope she's not in too much discomfort.

Here's my scar looks now. Aug 7 was my op and if I'm not mistaking I'm in my 13th week post op. My scar is fading a bit, as you can see. :(
I love how you have a frown after stating your scar is fading. It's growing on you, huh? Haha. I think it looks wicked.
Originally Posted by ezcompany .

Hey John,

I'm sorry to hear about your little girl. One the good side of things, she's only 13! She still has a lot of growing to do, thus she'll heal up in no time. The CB doesn't get it's full hardness at the age of 21, so my guess is she will heal up like nothing happened. However, don't take my word on it and ask your doctor. Make sure she not moving around too much until the bones heal up in the right place. Kids usually heal up in less than 2 months if not a sooner. I hope she's not in too much discomfort.

Here's my scar looks now. Aug 7 was my op and if I'm not mistaking I'm in my 13th week post op. My scar is fading a bit, as you can see. :(
haha! are you sad that its fading then? your heeling amazingly well though :)
i had a bit of a test today, i sneezed!! which was a bit scary. no harm do to my sholder and arm, but it did jar my back a bit.
has anyone else sneezed yet? did it hert?
Hows everyone doing? You guys off the sling yet and starting to get your muscles moving?

I just came in here to check on you guys. :)
Originally Posted by ezcompany .

Hows everyone doing? You guys off the sling yet and starting to get your muscles moving?

I just came in here to check on you guys. :)
How are YOU doing, ezcompany? Are you back on a normal workout routine yet?
Originally Posted by bsbs1876 .

How are YOU doing, ezcompany? Are you back on a normal workout routine yet?
I'm doing great. I wouldn't say I'm back at my normal workout routine yet but I'm definitely working my way up to that. As of right now, I run atleast a mile a day and do most of my work out with 5lb to 10lb weights with LOTS of reps.

How are you Bsbs and how does your collarbone feels? What's the update on your range of motion?
Originally Posted by ezcompany .

I'm doing great. I wouldn't say I'm back at my normal workout routine yet but I'm definitely working my way up to that. As of right now, I run atleast a mile a day and do most of my work out with 5lb to 10lb weights with LOTS of reps.

How are you Bsbs and how does your collarbone feels? What's the update on your range of motion?
I actually haven't had the surgery yet. I will be beginning my journey in the new year. I post here frequently to get a feel for what I'm up for. I've had a malunited collarbone for a few years now. It works but it sucks most days. Sometimes I wonder if I should just live with it like this but if I hear people are getting back to 100% then it makes me feel like it's worth it in the long run. The injured side is noticeably weaker during workouts and doesn't feel right at all. Also sore quite often.

How far along are you now? Like 3 or 4 months? I was hoping I'd be back at 100% at that point. Going to be quite the adventure.
Broke my right clavicle 5 weeks ago, had surgery 4 weeks ago. About 5 years ago, I broke the left side and let it heal by itself. Both were somewhat displaced, although the right one had more fragments and shoulder separation, which is why I decided to have surgery this time.

Left shoulder (no surgery): I can't remember how long it took, but after the ER, I never went back for another doctor visit. Was very uncomfortable for a while (but not that long, maybe 2 weeks). Initially left a large bump but it remodeled over time and by now is not very noticeable. Don't know how long I stayed off it, but no more than 2 months and used it fully (including weight lifting) a few months later. No problems, no pains, healed fast and feels as good as new. Used strong pain killers for about a week, not needed afterwards.

Right shoulder (surgery): Although I've had a number of other surgeries, this one took longer to recover from. Very hard 3-4 days post surgery, lots of painkillers, felt very weak. Back on the stationary bike after 4 days, but just feeling very weak. Two weeks post-surgery, about 20% less power than prior to crash for comparable effort. Some gentle road recovery rides starting after 3 weeks, first 2 hour mountain bike ride (but very gingerly, still hard climbing, but very careful nontechnical riding) in week 4. Shoulder is painful, especially at night with unintended moves (rolling over). Scar and plate area is tender to the touch (more so than the unoperated broken area was). Even though the bones are together due to surgery and therefore can be used for daily activities without putting weight on it (e.g. brushing teeth, taking a shower, etc. (ok, riding a bike, too)), there are sudden painful twinges. Neck ad back get stiff, too. Riding the bike tends to help (or at least improves my mood, but I think it actually improves everything). Definitely am using more pain killers than when the left was broken and still seem to have more pain. Scar is rather long and looks bad. I still use the sling because it feels better than without, just as I did on the left side after 4 weeks (where it was needed to keep the bones from moving too much).

So by week 4, I'd say the downside of surgery overwhelms the upside (e.g. being able to use the arm for daily activities). More pain, more stiffness, plate and ugly scar. Of course, the two injuries weren't exactly comparable.

More in a month, maybe the surgery catches up in terms of improvement. Much too early to say what I will do with the plate, but if I can avoid another surgery, I take that.
hi all,

I am about 20 weeks post op and I am much stronger, yesterday I pushed the car of my girlfriend for about 15 meters because it broke down in the middle of the road, now it feels stronger, probably it was a good exercise.
I am not 100% back but I don't feel the need to take care of it so much, I have hit against various things all accidentally (doors, people, etc), no problem. No impact sports so far.
I can weight lift 15 kg, the strange feeling, this numbness is still there but to lesser extend.
I believe it is a matter of time, months I would say. Other surrounding muscles a little stiff but nothing too annoying.

go for the surgery and we talk later,

give it time, the pain you feel could be from your other injuries in your shoulder and not from the collar bone. The scar, the numbness will go away with time.
In your case I would worry more about the other injuries in the shoulder and not the collar bone which is just a bone.
hi ryan i have broke my bone in two places and due to have a plate fitted, how long are you in hospital for after the surgery is complete.
thanks al
I'm not Ryan, but I left the hospital about 2 hours after I woke from up from anesthesia, 9 pm. Surgery took 2 hours, preparation (mainly paper work) took 2 hours. Could have stayed for the night, of course (as I didn't get out of the operating room until 7 pm), but prefer to be at home. It is not a minor surgery, so I can imagine that some people want to stay a day in the hospital.

I agree that pain and stiffness later come from things other than the bone itself. Especially if one injured more than breaking the collarbone (e.g. AC joint is often involved as in my case this time). But surgery itself is a factor because it is a more substantial procedure than one may think. 5 weeks post accident and 4 weeks post surgery, I attribute some of my continuing pains and stiffness to the surgery itself. And this is really without complications, so when considering surgery one should also weigh in the possibility of complications such as infection. Just because the bones are held together post surgery does not necessarily mean the recovery time is shorter than without surgery. Whether long-run outcomes are better you can never know, but obviously there are situations where surgery is likely to give better outcomes (e.g. multiple pieces, severe displacement) and other times where doing nothing is likely to be the better choice, like most single breaks in the middle.
hi its aly,
yeah i broke my clavical in jan this year and went see my consultant thursday and he said they got operate as its nowhere near healing its self. i was wondering if u are asleep whilst they do the op and i really want to come home the same day, thanks al...
you can go home the same day, i got out of the operation room at 17:00 then stayed for about 2 hours in a hospital room and then took a taxi and went home, I was dizzy but could manage everthing, then slept around 22:00,
the day after anesthesia has gone I was feeling good though because of the accident and the local pain.

and something else,

guys, don't fool yourself a broken collar bone will never re-align as it was before the fracture
during the operation you are not asleep, you are under anesthesia and you feel absolutely no pain at all,
you might feel some pain after you recover or the days after but Doctors will subscribe you painkillers and you will feel very little pain or at all,
but you feel a little awkward for some days.
I didn't use any painkillers at all after the op, it was not hurting me but it was unpleasant. Probably because I could not do much for several weeks.
hi thanks for the reply i am really nervous. when i move my arm now it clicks and it is very painfulland you can see the bones moving is this normal.......thankyou
Originally Posted by alyson .

hi thanks for the reply i am really nervous. when i move my arm now it clicks and it is very painfulland you can see the bones moving is this normal.......thankyou

so it is without the surgery,
bones moving, clicking, painful

Why are you nervous? This surgery is simple.