BeforeOriginally Posted by 67Rally .
Clearly, I am in agreement that the distal fractures and the subsequent plate/screw repair is painful.
I am slightly more than 2 weeks post-op and I still have pain though it is diminishing with each day of healing. I too have the skin sensitivities that you noted. The sunburn-type pain is an odd sensation. I also have an area (approx 3-4 square inches) of the surgical site and surrounding skin that has very discernible numbness at the surface. I can feel neither temperature nor slight touch. I am assuming that this is due to the massive incision (about 6" along the clavicle) that severed nerves. From what I understand, much of the numbness will diminish as the nerves repair themselves over time.
What does the contoured plate/sutures repair look like? Did you sustain a mid-clav fracture?
After, just a cell phone pic but you get the idea..
I have the same numb patch as well.. I hear that may never fully go away..and my skin is peeling and really rough..getting better.. i have like 3 layers of pain.. the plate, the nerve thing and muscular pain.. from my shoulder and neck being so tight from months of favoring my right side..
I'm pretty good until about 2-3 in the afternoon then it starts hurting bad.. but I think its more muscular at that point...