The bone should be stronger but only if it heals properly. The calcification around the bone thickens it in that area so once it's fully healed it's stronger. Your doc and or physio should be able to tell from an xray if you should be doing chin-ups.
Just thinking, and I'm no expert, chin-ups target the back and biceps. Do you have to do push-ups? They might give you more problems.

wadafark said:
Hi Guys,

I fractured my left clavicle in the mid-shaft after a bike accident on 6 Nov. It was not a complete break, from the X-Ray, I could see that it was kind of bent upwards and fractured and formed an angle, kind of like an inverted V.

Now I'm at 5 weeks of healing and I went to see the doctor, who told me that my bone had joined, but the new bone surrounding the fracture site was still calcifying as it showed up as being opaque on the new X-Ray, and not white as normal bones do. He called this the "fluffy" bone. The doctor also advised me to start carrying light weights of about 1 - 2kgs and move the left arm in a "cleaning the table" movement, which stretches the muscles under the armpit.

My concern now is that I have an upcoming physical fitness test in mid-January, which includes CHIN-UPS! And this test affects my rank promotion! Question is, after 8 weeks, is the bone fully healed for me to do chin-ups? Since at 5 weeks, it has already joined..

The doctor also told me that the healed clavicle will not be prone to fracture as it's stronger than it was before the fracture? How true is this? Then how come I've read so many stories of people re-fracturing their healed clavicle again? Will the chin-up fracture my clavicle again..

I'm in a huge dilemma. Help!
HELP - I broke my clavicle 6 weeks ago whilst racing triathlon in Florida - advice was to get it seen when I got home (back in the UK) as I would need a small procedure! Having seen my own GP he's sort of handed the surgery decision back to me as I have relatively good movement (not a full range), but still pain and week as a kitten and part union and calcification - I have another appointment mid Jan - I've posted my xrays, the first taken 21 November and the second on the 13 December - the 'bump' where the bone is sticking up - hurts like hell, especially driving (wearing seat belt) My aim is to run the Marathon D'Sable - rucksack needed - does the pain subside? do you get a full range of motion return? I'm terrified of not being able to swim again or at the same standard I was - opinions wanted PLEASE!!!!

Your GP is a general practitioner. You need to ask for a referal to an orthopeadic surgeon. Surely the expert should be making a recommendation to you based on your xrays, your lifestyle etc, not saying it's your decision.
If you had gone to A&E you would have a referral to a fracture clinic where in fact you see the surgeons registrar at 6 weeks and again at 12 weeks if it's not healed. I was told at 12 weeks mine was ok, I also had good range of motion. But I also went private and was told it hadn't healed. You should have 2 xrays at different angles and this didn't happen at the hospital (if you read back through the posts you'll get alot of info). I knew myself because I had pain and it wasn't getting stronger. Infact the lump seemed to be getting worse. My collarbone was plated 6 weeks ago, I wouldn't call it a small procedure. I assume you don't have health care?
Secondly a good physio will tell you what is and isn't right.
If you are based in the Midlands my physio is very good and works with professional athletes and their rehab, my surgeon is excellent and very experienced too. If you wanted another opinion you could see them.

The pain around my bump did subside. I had a high impact accident as I was thrown in the air off my motorbike. The soft tissue and ligament damage was quite bad. About 6 weeks afterthe accident I had a further 6 weeks of accupuncture and ultrasound to calm the area down.

Grammarsow said:
HELP - I broke my clavicle 6 weeks ago whilst racing triathlon in Florida - advice was to get it seen when I got home (back in the UK) as I would need a small procedure! Having seen my own GP he's sort of handed the surgery decision back to me as I have relatively good movement (not a full range), but still pain and week as a kitten and part union and calcification - I have another appointment mid Jan - I've posted my xrays, the first taken 21 November and the second on the 13 December - the 'bump' where the bone is sticking up - hurts like hell, especially driving (wearing seat belt) My aim is to run the Marathon D'Sable - rucksack needed - does the pain subside? do you get a full range of motion return? I'm terrified of not being able to swim again or at the same standard I was - opinions wanted PLEASE!!!!
I fractured my collar bone in three plces on Monday and it is very painful. Should I have surgery to fix it? I ask because I play the drums and I want to know if it will affect my ability to play or not.
Have you read all the previous posts. I read the lot when I first came across this thread. Get a medical opinion and use the information on this site to be better informed and challenge any proposals.

Dan_jr said:
I fractured my collar bone in three plces on Monday and it is very painful. Should I have surgery to fix it? I ask because I play the drums and I want to know if it will affect my ability to play or not.
Sorry katiej2, Thanks for that - I didn't really fully explain - I read all of the previous threads as best I could - I've seen NHS Ortho surgeon and my own private surgeon - they have both said they would have operated if I'd have seen them straight away (not possible cause in the states) now they are not keen to operate (time elapsed, calcification started but still movement, so may be a non union) but it's still up to me! lump discomfort - lots of reasons not to i.e. large cut, through nerves, pin and plate, artery to arm, all the warnings etc- The reason being is the bone 'tenting' and uncomfortable when wearing a seat belt or a rucksack - hence Marathon D'Sable reference - I was wondering without surgery did people get a full range of movement back - I NEED TO SWIM (and swim fast) and no pain, did the 'bump' get smaller?

At the mo still can't sleep on that side, 'bump' painful, aches and sometimes 'stings' - neck and between shoulder blades really stiff - is this normal recovery? and no strength! HELP!!!
There's a few posts about surgery and how things have been complicated. I have no medical background only experience. It's not somethiing to take lightly you're quite right, I was scared but then I'm a girl :p .

As I said my NHS ortho said I was fine. My surgeon was private. He had no concerns (none that he mentioned to me any way) about operating at 20 weeks. He infact operated successfully on a friend of someone I know 2 years after. Call me a cynical but operating costs the taxpayer and if they think you can do without would they push for it?. I wanted to continue all my physical activites and leaving it as it was I could function but no where near what was acceptable for me. Had I been 60 then maybe it would be a different answer.

Range of motion takes time and 6 weeks isn't that long. My range of motion continued to improve. It was probably 12 + weeks before I could sleep on it and also wear a seatbelt. I put a scarf as padding under the seatbelt.
It's far worse now post surgery at the same stage as the shoulder has been more immobilised but I started exercises the day after the op. I've just started (5 weeks after) to increase range and its improving so long term I don't see a problem. Must must do the physio exercises religeously.

My sugeon kept putting me off surgery until after xrays at 12 weeks whilst it had joined, it wasn't doing it properly so I had relative movement.

All the risks are present and you need a good surgeon. The end of my scar got slightly infected and the area is slightly numb but speak to people who've had lumps removed and babies by the knife and they'll tell you the same and it's common. Neither bother me.

I'd virtually got full range of motion back before I went for the op.
The lump was the end of the bone sticking out as it was a malunion. I was told that it wouldn't get smaller, well not for a decade or so. I think if it heals more overlapping the calcified part will remodel itself over 12-18 months.

Again only my thoughts as an injured party but even if you have full range of motion, if you don't have a solid join you won't regain strength (actually surgeon said that) and it will give you pain swimming. My physio said explicity don't swim as it will aggravate the area. Infact I went swimming at about 17 weeks still with relative movement and I couldn't lower my body in (no strength/pain) and couldn't swim so I did a half doggy paddle. Even doing just that I knew about it the next day.

When is the race? Now that it's been left you could wait another 6 weeks and see if it improves. If you only did it 6 weeks ago it's still quite new. The other thing on my mind is both said they would have operated.

I used to go to the gym 4 times a weeks and do weights. Haven't been able to do upperbody since accident in June so it'll have taken about 12 months for me to fix start to finish.

Problem is we all heal differently. My surgeon gave me 12 weeks. I went to him after 8 and as it was trying to heal he adopted the wait and see. At 12 weeks he was fairly convinced but gave it another 4 to be 100% sure. It's a pain waiting but since most collar bones do heal naturally they don't want to be plating people needlessly.

I'd get another opinion but if you're paying for the consultation and xrays yourself be mindful they might want you to come back at 12 or 16 weeks.
Again I'm happy to refer you to mine who's a trauma specialist and knows his stuff.

PS I'm also katiej and katiej1, had some problems with login.

Grammarsow said:
Sorry katiej2, Thanks for that - I didn't really fully explain - I read all of the previous threads as best I could - I've seen NHS Ortho surgeon and my own private surgeon - they have both said they would have operated if I'd have seen them straight away (not possible cause in the states) now they are not keen to operate (time elapsed, calcification started but still movement, so may be a non union) but it's still up to me! lump discomfort - lots of reasons not to i.e. large cut, through nerves, pin and plate, artery to arm, all the warnings etc- The reason being is the bone 'tenting' and uncomfortable when wearing a seat belt or a rucksack - hence Marathon D'Sable reference - I was wondering without surgery did people get a full range of movement back - I NEED TO SWIM (and swim fast) and no pain, did the 'bump' get smaller?

At the mo still can't sleep on that side, 'bump' painful, aches and sometimes 'stings' - neck and between shoulder blades really stiff - is this normal recovery? and no strength! HELP!!!
hey, thanks for your input! i think it deal heal properly the first time around bc i regained complete mobility and probably almost 100% strength. (no union problems) i played the last match of the season last june, then started this season normally. however, it is true that i still had little pains from time to time in the collarbone area, especially when i would fall on that shoulder, which probably was not normal. but as i mentioned, the fact that it's now displaced means that it doesn't handle shock absorption as well. last week i had xrays, echographs and scans done and the radiologist gave me a good prognostic--hypervascularization so the bone is healing well on its own. my orthopedist (who is from INSEP, a nat'l sports medicine institute in france) and i went over the results and i told her that i would not get the surgery. i would stop rugby completely this year and start up again next season and if EVER it broke a third time (knock on wood!!!), THEN i would get the surgery. she seemed disappointed about not doing able to do the surgery but i think she was ok with my decision.

i told her about my concerns and she said, in case of operation, i would be in a sling for 6 weeks but more to prevent making large movements and that i would be able to type soon afterwards. it's true that the shoulder doesn't move that much when typing. plus that the pain is less severe than broken pain. what's your opinion on that? bc the first week of my first fracture i just wanted to die from the pain. plus i live alone so that didn't help either. were you able to dress and undress without too much trouble, like being to put your arm in sleeves?

besides updating everyone on my case, i guess i am writing because i keep wondering if i should just get the operation; after all as someone pointed out, i'll be losing this rugby season, might as well use it recovering from surgery...; plus since there is good blood flow, the bone graft may not be necessary after all... help!!!

katiej1 said:
Did it heal properly first time around? If you hadn't got back all the strength and it still hurt it may not have. If they heal properly they are supposed to be stronger as the bone thickens as it calcifies and aren't supposed to break in the same place twice.

I was assessed by the National Health (Britain) with an xray in one plane and told at 12 weeks I wouldn't do any harm by resuming normal activities. I tried. They also said my range of motion was quite good and didn't offer physio. I asked if I could have physio and there seemed some reluctance. Fortunately for me I have medical insurance and I sought a physio who referred me to an orthopeadic surgeon, partly to alay my concerns about the lump (which in my eyes was huge) caused by a mal-union, the end of the broken bone. It was also inconvenient as it was around my bra strap line.

I had surgery 5 months after breaking mine. It fused but not solidly. I got pain and my physical training wasn't progressing. I couldn't lift heavy things as I could before. Speaking to some people who's fused they were up and running in 8-12 weeks.

My surgeon took 2 xrays in 2 elevations (front and at 30 deg) not 1 as before and it showed the bone was not healing as it should. After about 18 weeks there was no change, whilst it was trying it wasn't healing properly. The decision was made to plate it. The screw wasn't offered as it is less fixed than a plate. About 1-2% need a bone graft, it wasn't expected to but mine did. Lucky for me he salvaged enough from the ends of the bone , which had tried to attatch itself, to use for the graft.

The inscision was 5 inches, slightly longer than he usually likes to do, it was a fiddly job apparenty. As a 34 yr old female I was worried about a large scar but I'm sure it'll be a good talking point at parties.

But, I'm glad it's all back in the right place. I was getting back and neck pain before, this may improve things.

At 4 weeks I'm using the computer ok but with one hand or just using the other hand in a still position. Did ache after alot of use. Would voice recognition software be an option?

Im going back in 4 weeks 2nd Jan for another xray. I'm still not allowed to drive or raise my elbow to the side until it's started to fuse. Too much stress on the plate and screws may cause it to come loose which would be another op. You do have totake into account it might stop normal activities for a while.

Good luck with your decision.
it depends on the severity of the fracture. mine was broken completely in two and the two parts were no longer in contact and i was told that it would just heal on its own. i did wear a sling for 3 weeks and a figure of eight for 3 weeks. it is incredibly uncomfortable bc you need to wear it all the time (i took it off to shower and dress, but i'm not sure that was allowed). but it does help to support your shoulders and keep them back so that the collarbone heals as straight as possible. best bet would be to see an orthopedic surgeon or even two!

K/c said:
Hello everyone

I broke my collarbone while I was away at school on December 3rd. The day I broke the collarbone the hospital told me I would need surgery to repair the collarbone. When I came to my hometown I got a second opinion which told me that I probably wouldn’t need surgery and that my best route was to us the figure-of-eight bandage to heal. So it’s been a week of trying the figure-of-eight and the x-rays show there’s no change in my broken collarbone. I need to get back to school in January therefore leaving me not much time to take action.

So I’m confused on what I should do; stick with the figure of eight and wait it out or go ahead and get the surgery done.
btw, my surgeon said the incision would be 5-6 centimeters, half the size of yours.
did you use any of the scar diminishing creams? i've used mederma for other little rugby-related scars and it works really well. plus someone else mentioned some curad scar pads. i didn't take a look at where you're writing from, but i believe these are only available in the US.

katiej1 said:
Did it heal properly first time around? If you hadn't got back all the strength and it still hurt it may not have. If they heal properly they are supposed to be stronger as the bone thickens as it calcifies and aren't supposed to break in the same place twice.

I was assessed by the National Health (Britain) with an xray in one plane and told at 12 weeks I wouldn't do any harm by resuming normal activities. I tried. They also said my range of motion was quite good and didn't offer physio. I asked if I could have physio and there seemed some reluctance. Fortunately for me I have medical insurance and I sought a physio who referred me to an orthopeadic surgeon, partly to alay my concerns about the lump (which in my eyes was huge) caused by a mal-union, the end of the broken bone. It was also inconvenient as it was around my bra strap line.

I had surgery 5 months after breaking mine. It fused but not solidly. I got pain and my physical training wasn't progressing. I couldn't lift heavy things as I could before. Speaking to some people who's fused they were up and running in 8-12 weeks.

My surgeon took 2 xrays in 2 elevations (front and at 30 deg) not 1 as before and it showed the bone was not healing as it should. After about 18 weeks there was no change, whilst it was trying it wasn't healing properly. The decision was made to plate it. The screw wasn't offered as it is less fixed than a plate. About 1-2% need a bone graft, it wasn't expected to but mine did. Lucky for me he salvaged enough from the ends of the bone , which had tried to attatch itself, to use for the graft.

The inscision was 5 inches, slightly longer than he usually likes to do, it was a fiddly job apparenty. As a 34 yr old female I was worried about a large scar but I'm sure it'll be a good talking point at parties.

But, I'm glad it's all back in the right place. I was getting back and neck pain before, this may improve things.

At 4 weeks I'm using the computer ok but with one hand or just using the other hand in a still position. Did ache after alot of use. Would voice recognition software be an option?

Im going back in 4 weeks 2nd Jan for another xray. I'm still not allowed to drive or raise my elbow to the side until it's started to fuse. Too much stress on the plate and screws may cause it to come loose which would be another op. You do have totake into account it might stop normal activities for a while.

Good luck with your decision.
Dear All,

I had surgery and a plate - some of you may remember my earlier posts.

My plate moved after a minor movement a few days after surgery.

It turned out afterwards, when I got a second opinion, that the screws were too short. Therefore, it's important to work with a surgeon of experience, who knows what he is doing.

I had a second operation to remove the plate since it was moving up and was going to break through my skin. Looked a bit scary - something out of a horror movie ;-))

The surgeon removed the offending plate and also inserted a calcium thingy into the bone which calcium thingy was filled with my own concentrated blood drawn during the operation. This helps the healing process.

Since that second operation, it was all uphill - return to full range of movement, no more pain, etc. Scar is a bit sensitive but it doesn't matter and it almost doesn't show in my wedding pictures even though a wore a strapless dress...

So, good ending - I am sure all of you will have it!

I would like to thank you all for the great info and support throughout this miserable experience - this forum has meant more than I can say!

I wish you a very Merry Christmas, quick and painless recovery and a happy life in 2007 and way beyond!

Kind regards,
My op was 6 weeks yesterday. Been leaving sling off at home for last week but wearing it outside the house. If nothing else it makes people more aware you have something wrong. Unfortunately I tripped and fell onto my hands and knees yesterday so now it's all sore. Hopefully not done any damage.

For typing I tend to hold the bad hand in the same place and move the other hand around. Your just working the muscles if you move it more so might get aches and pains, best thing is listen to your body. Like you say you're not moving the joint.

Problem is if you don't move the joint at all. I was doing pendulums and stretches and scapula setting from day 1. Got back all neck movement after 4 weeks. Arm is no where near as mobile as without op. At 4 1/2 weeks my physio said if I left it another 2-4 weeks it would be solid. My surgeon said I couldn't raise my elbow. Physio advised lie on back and assisted raise the bad arm as if taking behind head. Can just get just past vertical at moment but it's improving. Main thing is need to allow 6 weeks for screw to consolidate in bone so moving the joint stresses the screws so you risk causing it to come loose.

I live alone and someone else on here advised me get someone to stop or get a motel. I agree. I got a relative to stop with me for a week. You just can't do things. You have a scar to protect so don't want it to be wet so practicality is I got soemone to wash my hair. You're so stiff it's difficult to wash and move properly. Still can't get behind my left shoulder. After a week you can cope. But it's easier if you don't have to. I also filled the freezer with microwave meals and shopped up for a couple of months on the basics as again you can't carry alot.

My fracture pain was really bad for about 3 weeks first time round. One week after the op and it was ok. Couple of weeks after almost feels like you're fine. I wore XL shirts for first couple of weeks then into my normal shirts. Less painful than last time. Only just started wearing stretchy t-shirts as still not meant to lift shoulder. Problem is getting them off without use of extra hand but can be done.

I couldn't lie flat without pain for first 4 weeks. Now it's no problem and I can lie on opposite shoulder ok. Had to prop myself up in bed with about 8 pillows and gradually used less and less till I could lie normally. Awkward sitting up from lying initially. If you had something to pull yourself up from like in hospital be easier. Still alot easier than when it's not plated.

Biggest pain is not driving. Been 6 weeks and at least two more. I have someone who irons and cleans for me to help me out, that's a godsend. it is tough being on your own.

Other peoples experiences differ. Someone on here was in the gym after a week. Having started this in June and now being Dec I don't want to do anything to set it back.

If it doesn't heal properly this time you'll be out next season.

Regards pain after it's healed couple of people I know have had twinges for ages after and it took someone about 8 months to get mobility and strength back though he didn't see a physio.

jp91 said:
i told her about my concerns and she said, in case of operation, i would be in a sling for 6 weeks but more to prevent making large movements and that i would be able to type soon afterwards. it's true that the shoulder doesn't move that much when typing. plus that the pain is less severe than broken pain. what's your opinion on that? bc the first week of my first fracture i just wanted to die from the pain. plus i live alone so that didn't help either. were you able to dress and undress without too much trouble, like being to put your arm in sleeves?

besides updating everyone on my case, i guess i am writing because i keep wondering if i should just get the operation; after all as someone pointed out, i'll be losing this rugby season, might as well use it recovering from surgery...; plus since there is good blood flow, the bone graft may not be necessary after all... help!!!
jp91 said:
i'm not a cyclist either but a rugby player. last december, my collarbone was snapped in two in the middle. it was extremely painful, took a long time to fuse back together and took me a while to gain just about full mobility. i went back to playing last june and things have been fine, although i would still have discomfort and a little bit of pain in the area, especially after getting hit or falling on that shoulder. just last week, i broke the same collarbone in the same area. just a stress fracture this time around but i went to see a sports orthopedist who advised me that the best solution, if i wanted to keep playing rugby, was surgery with a hip bone graft + plate+ pins to straighten the bone but also to ensure that it consolidates properly once and for all. it wouldn't be mandatory but otherwise the bone would remain fragile, due to its angular shape, and i would probably have mechanical discomfort probably for the rest of my life. i am completely stressed about what to do. i am a 29 year old female, not ready to give up rugby, but also a translation student which means i need to be able to type! i've read some great stuff on this forum, but it just makes the decision-making process harder! i'd appreciate any thoughts on my case! thanks!
This is pretty much exactly what happened to me! Im a 19year Australian Rules player and iv broken my collarbone 3 times. Once in 2003 and twice this year. About April this year I broke my left collarbone and it was pretty angulated, like you could see/feel the massive bump. I went and saw a surgeon/doctors and they pretty much said I would be right to play. So i took 10 weeks off, and in my second game back I broke the same collarbone from probably the weakest hit you will ever see.

So I got the surgery you were talking about, the plate/screws and the bone graft from the hip. I would definately reccomend the surgery. Playing a pretty high contact sport and havin broken your collarbone a couple of times I found it mentally good to try something different than just wearing a sling. I kind of didnt trust that option any more.

The surgery will make the bone hurt a lot less than when its in the sling, because the bone wont be moving around so much as its in a fixed state. The hip actually hurts a lot more than the collarbone. I found sleeping it would just kind of give a sharp pain for about the first 2 weeks but nothing to bad. The only problem i have found is that the shoulder feels really odd for a long time. Becuase to get to the collarbone they have to cut through nerves and they take time to heal. Its numb for the first few weeks and then kind of feels odd to touch after that but I havnt found that to be a major problem.

So basically my advice is surgery is the go, but thats just my un-proffesional opinion. If you have any more questions ask away
James Thomas said:
I broke my clavicle June 21st (pretty painful but still was a fun ride prior to the fall). I have been presented the option of surgery or the old fashioned "let it heal as is". I have never broken a bone in my 33 year life span and am weighing the pros and cons of surgery. I would like input if you have experience. I already have back problems so I am leaning toward the surgery in order to alleviate potential future complications. Please let me know what your experience has been. Thanks!:)
Jan 2007

Ok, below is my story posted on page 8, and even though none of u cripples replied to me i went ahead with the surgery and i feel fantastic.

i chose not to go through public health even though my number came up (after two years) and instead I paid a specialist with numerous collar bone ops under his belt to perform the op. Had the plate with six screws and the hip bone graft. Recovery was fine, much less painful than i expected and took a little longer than expected before i was completely healed - back to work in 8 weeks back to 'normal' in 16. I have a full range of movement and most of my strength back - it is way way better than the two years with a non union. My shoulder appeared slightly tucked in before and after the op my shoulders a symmetrical again - vain I know but my research leads to believe body alignment aids good health. All the pain is gone even when i swim and play hard, and the scars are minor. The only obstacle now is a minor muscle strain from shoulder down to my upper arm, but then maybe I shouldnt do so many pushups.

i still gained more info from this site that any other research or avenue, including my specialist!

Good luck and good health


March 2006

I would be interested to hear if any one else has sustained a non-union type of bone knit?
Sorry bout the long email but it is a 2 year story...
I broke my right collarbone at 33yo in a cycling fall in 2004 while in the north of Thailand. The fractured bone knitted at a bone tag in the break and I continued to wear the sling for 6 weeks. The Doctors tell me the fracture in my clavicle is joined by callous/fibrous bone material that has not calcified. Once the bone knitted my right collarbone has hinged and pivoted, the fractured bone is still separate in the x-rays (1 cm) and slightly over lapping at the join, maybe .5 -1cm. I also managed to break/crack the new forming bone in the first month without realizing until a subsequent x-ray in 2004.
While registered on a public health waiting list I would cross my fingers and work with food and exercise towards helping calcium form in the callous. It didn’t well not enough, which I am told is unusual and my doctor cant offer any examples of this type of union or how it will age. If I pause and think about it, it is a little painful most of the time even though my shoulder as a whole is quite strong. I earn a living working manually and have a full range of movement. I do feel pain in the fracture when lifting weight directly in front of me with arms out stretched. Fortunately, after 2 years I can now sleep on my right side.
My physiotherapist believes I have adapted well will a full range of movement and believes the operation may be beneficial in the long term.
My number has come up! After two consultations viewing my recent x-rays I have enough excess bone around that will allow me to skip the hip graft operation. Good news I believe.
Now, after seeing a replacement doctor I am considering giving the operation a miss. The doctor assigned to me is not confident the benefits will out weigh the risks. I am taking a month to think about it, get a second opinion and do a bit of research - the reason I am here…
Would appreciate hearing about any similar cases?

Good luck and good health


Grammarsow said:
Sorry katiej2, Thanks for that - I didn't really fully explain - I read all of the previous threads as best I could - I've seen NHS Ortho surgeon and my own private surgeon - they have both said they would have operated if I'd have seen them straight away (not possible cause in the states) now they are not keen to operate (time elapsed, calcification started but still movement, so may be a non union) but it's still up to me! lump discomfort - lots of reasons not to i.e. large cut, through nerves, pin and plate, artery to arm, all the warnings etc- The reason being is the bone 'tenting' and uncomfortable when wearing a seat belt or a rucksack - hence Marathon D'Sable reference - I was wondering without surgery did people get a full range of movement back - I NEED TO SWIM (and swim fast) and no pain, did the 'bump' get smaller?

At the mo still can't sleep on that side, 'bump' painful, aches and sometimes 'stings' - neck and between shoulder blades really stiff - is this normal recovery? and no strength! HELP!!!
I joined this club on Dec 29, 2006 when I had a really nasty crash at a pretty high rate of speed landing on my shoulder and head. BTW, my helmet probably saved my life.

I was taken to a nearby hospital and x-rayed. The ER doctor confirmed what I know instantly upon hitting the ground, broken clavicle.

He told me that the usual treatment is six weeks in a sling. They sent me on my way with some percoset and told me to make an appt with an orthopaedist. Being the holidays, I couldn't get an appt for a week.

When I did finally get in to see my orthopaedist, who is a great surgeon BTW, he took one look at my x-ray and he said "Argh! You need surgery immediately." I had not seen my x-ray in the hospital and, quite frankly, what do I know abour reading x-rays. But even my 2 y.o. daughter would be able to read these x-rays. There was a huge gap between the bones. The doctor said they would never rejoin. The break was just too bad. After the surgery, he told my wife it was one of the worst collarbone breaks he'd ever scene.

I had the surgery two days later and I am glad I did. I could feel the bone moving around before the surgery and it was freaking me out.

The surgery went very well according to the doctor, but I have to say the post-op pain has been pretty bad, much worse than the surgery I had in my other shoulder to repair torn ligaments. but in the long run, it was the right thing to do. I wouldn't have had full use of my arm with the bones broken as they were. I lead an active lifestyle and it would have been an endless source of frustration for me.

I can't wait until I get my arm out of this sling and can start riding again.
Do you think this needs surgery?

I think the best judge of whether or not you need surgery is an orthopedic surgeon.

But your x-ray looks almost as bad as mine did. I wouldn't be surprisedif you require the surgery.

Best of luck to you. I am now nearly two weeks past surgery. I am glad I did it, but it feels rather weird right now. I feel a sort of of pulling or tearing near the site of the incision.

Still haven't had a proper night's sleep since this happened.
My doc is saying no, but I am also uninsured, so im wondering if that has anything to do with his decision, being worried about getting paid, which would be malpractice to me. I'd like to get a 2nd opinion, but its justtoo costly to see a dr now a days w/out insurance, this guy wouldnt even see me if i didnt have $200 cash first visit!
Was your x-ray similar to mine? That x-ray was from 1/9, a week after i was out in this fig 8 strap.
I was ready for surgery after i got that x-ray, because it had not seemed to heal too well, and when i saw hin the 2nd time(he spent less than 30 seconds with me), he looked at the new x-ray without even pulling out the original to compare it to,...said oh its healing great, I wanna see yu in 4 weeks. I said doc, arent you going to at least compare it to the original? Pulled out one original, of the 10 i have, and took a quick glance, said oh yeah, put the x-rays back in the pack said see you in 4 weeks. I was just floored. He didnt pull my collar off, look at the injury, nothing!
I still get no sleep at night, maybe 2-3 hours then up for an hour or 2 all night long every night, and now beleive this collar is causing me almost enough pain to cry(im not a wuss, didnt even cry, and drove myself home and to the e.r. from the desert where i crashed the dirt bike)
Just wondering if maybe i saw a doc who is more worried about the $ sign than the care of his patients? I will pay all bills in full, but being out of work w/out ins., its gonna take time. I dont wanna be down 12-16 weks due to a docs neglect, what do u guys think??

clavicolarotta said:
I think the best judge of whether or not you need surgery is an orthopedic surgeon.

But your x-ray looks almost as bad as mine did. I wouldn't be surprisedif you require the surgery.

Best of luck to you. I am now nearly two weeks past surgery. I am glad I did it, but it feels rather weird right now. I feel a sort of of pulling or tearing near the site of the incision.

Still haven't had a proper night's sleep since this happened.