Argus 2003

Dear All

Please Excuse my Ignorance what is Argus 2003 what type of cycling is it when does it take place and what is the distance I am new to all this cycling stuff But I am hoping to compete at the Athens Olympics so any Events that is worth Entering in terms of getting times and Points I will very much want to Entre well I hope you all are able to help me and I hope to hear from you very soon.

Kind regards
A H Khadra
Originally posted by MD-CYCLIST
Dear All

Please Excuse my Ignorance what is Argus 2003 what type of cycling is it when does it take place and what is the distance I am new to all this cycling stuff But I am hoping to compete at the Athens Olympics so any Events that is worth Entering in terms of getting times and Points I will very much want to Entre well I hope you all are able to help me and I hope to hear from you very soon.

Kind regards
A H Khadra

It's the "biggest" race in the world (in terms of number of people). There is 35 000 cyclist participating in this event. It takes place in Cape Town, South Africa and is a road race over 109 km (appr 68 miles). As far as I know it is not a race that will qualify you for the olympics. It is the biggest race on the South African Calender that sees everybody taking part, from the elites down to the fun riders. It's taking place the 16 March but all entries have already closed long ago, due to the popularity of the race.
Dear RalleighOke

I thank you very much for the Information Regarding Argus 2003, I would like to ask you if you know of any events That would Qualify you to the Olympics Other than The World Championships Is there a Particular Road Race In Europe That you help you Qualify, well I hope to hear from you very soon.

Kind regards
A H Khadra
I'm sorry MD-CYCLIST, but when it comes to qualifying for the Olympics and proffesional cycling qualifying I'm totally clue-less.

Maybe have a look at the following websites, they might be able to give you some info:

You might get info from others - Dianne for example will be a rich resource for you, she is one of South Africa's top female cyclists.