Sorry to flog a dead horse and everything but I have some questions that I haven't been able to find
answers to in the archives and FAQ, so here goes...
[It seems this has turned into a bit of a rant now so feel free to scroll to the bottom for the
actual question I'm asking...]
I cleaned the chain on my new bike (Dawes touring bike, exclusively on-road use in pretty clean
conditions and so far rarely in rain) as thoroughly as I could a week ago. It had 750mi on it at the
time and I had the bike in for its complimentary service at about 400mi. It came back liberally
lubricated and soon became a black mess (no doubt they just lubed whatever they use on to the dirty
chain, great). Before that I was managing to keep it pretty clean with regular wiping down and I
lubricated it once with the PTFE lube I bought under recommendation from the shop. It was getting
pretty squeaky when shifting the rear derailer, I assume from lack of lube, but I wanted to leave it
until the service to let them deal with it as I figured they know more than I do.
Anyway, after it became a black mess I knew it was time to sort it out properly. I wiped it down
thoroughly several times to try and keep it clean then finally attacked it properly at 750mi on.
I wiped it down thoroughly with an old sock, scrubbed it with soapy water and a toothbrush (I think
this was pretty redundant because it didn't have loads of mud or dirt on it, so it didn't seem to
make much difference), dried it with the sock, let it stand for about 10-20mins, sprayed Halfords
brand degreaser aeresol on it ("Rapid Air-Drying Formula", how useful -- it seems to dry
instantaneously, but at least the blast of the aeresol spray seems to work quite well at cleaning
pretty much instantly) and wiped with the sock vigorously. Several cycles of the entire chain. It
was still feeling pretty nasty when flexing it laterally, like it had grit still in there, though
externally it was looking pretty good. I decided that this was as good as I was going to get it and
then applied the PTFE lube, using the narrow spray tube to apply a stream of penetrating, foamy,
lubricant. I backpedalled the cranks for a little bit and wiped off the excess. I also wiped off the
chain several times in the next few days.
I think the main pitfall was that I didn't manage to clean it as thoroughly as I would have liked.
It didn't really feel "fresh" inside when I played with it. Also, I didn't rinse off the degreaser,
so although on the surface it dries pretty quick there may have been some left inside the chain. I
think the effect of this would have been pretty limited though.
So anyway, now it's a week later and I am 830mi on. I got home after a bit of light rain and got a
bit carried away. First I wiped the frame dry, then sprayed WD40 into all the unused rack mountings
and other frame holes, wiped the excess off and wiped the frame down with the WD40'd rag, then
applied PTFE lube to all the cable housing entry points, then to all the pivot points on the
derailers. Then I discovered how to use the PowerLink on my Sachs/SRAM chain and took it off. It
didn't feel as bad as right after I cleaned it. I think it's because part of the dodgy feeling I had
when flexing it may have been due to the liquid inside... or maybe the lubricant flushed some of the
**** out to be picked up on subsequent wipe-downs?
Anyhow, I wiped it down seveal more times, then sprayed it with the degreaser aeresol *liberally*
and continued wiping it down. Unfortunately it didn't seem to make all that much difference and I
felt like I was wasting time and degreaser. It still felt a little bit gritty inside.
I found a wide-neck 1L lemonade bottle and threw the chain in there in preperation to soak it in
something. (Actually, having another look at it now it doesn't seem so bad. The gritty feeling is
completely gone! Just a bit dirty between some links and I can feel that it's not *completely* clean
inside the rollers.)
End semi-irrelevant rant, begin actual question about chain cleaning...
I had a rummage around the garage and found: Mineralised Methylated Spirit (Funky purple colour!)
White Spirit 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
Which one of these would be the best to pour into the bottle and shake occasionally to get the
chain clean? I plan to leave it on my desk for a few hours and give it a vigorous shake every
now and then.
Other things I can think of to use are: Fairy dishwashing liquid (can't see this working too well)
Dishwashing-machine powder (I'm wary of this stuff ever since it ate pits into the bottom of a pan
when left overnight in the sink) coca cola (with all this whining about how it's so acidic, I figure
it might do some good. probably too much sugar and not enough chemicals capable of breaking down the
grease though.)
Are there any precautions? Is it posible to "over-do it" with any of these chemicals? (Aside from
the dishwashing-machine powder)
I plan on soaking it for a couple of hours with frequent agitation, then pouring out whatever I'm
using into a jar for reuse, and filling the bottle with water and shaking vigorously for a while,
maybe changing the water a few times to make sure I clean out all of the cleaning chemicals. Then
drying it with a rag and leaving it out to dry overnight before putting it back on the bike and
aplying PTFE lubricant with a narrow tube, letting it work its way in, then wiping down with a rag.
How does that sound?
Thanks a lot, Dani
answers to in the archives and FAQ, so here goes...
[It seems this has turned into a bit of a rant now so feel free to scroll to the bottom for the
actual question I'm asking...]
I cleaned the chain on my new bike (Dawes touring bike, exclusively on-road use in pretty clean
conditions and so far rarely in rain) as thoroughly as I could a week ago. It had 750mi on it at the
time and I had the bike in for its complimentary service at about 400mi. It came back liberally
lubricated and soon became a black mess (no doubt they just lubed whatever they use on to the dirty
chain, great). Before that I was managing to keep it pretty clean with regular wiping down and I
lubricated it once with the PTFE lube I bought under recommendation from the shop. It was getting
pretty squeaky when shifting the rear derailer, I assume from lack of lube, but I wanted to leave it
until the service to let them deal with it as I figured they know more than I do.
Anyway, after it became a black mess I knew it was time to sort it out properly. I wiped it down
thoroughly several times to try and keep it clean then finally attacked it properly at 750mi on.
I wiped it down thoroughly with an old sock, scrubbed it with soapy water and a toothbrush (I think
this was pretty redundant because it didn't have loads of mud or dirt on it, so it didn't seem to
make much difference), dried it with the sock, let it stand for about 10-20mins, sprayed Halfords
brand degreaser aeresol on it ("Rapid Air-Drying Formula", how useful -- it seems to dry
instantaneously, but at least the blast of the aeresol spray seems to work quite well at cleaning
pretty much instantly) and wiped with the sock vigorously. Several cycles of the entire chain. It
was still feeling pretty nasty when flexing it laterally, like it had grit still in there, though
externally it was looking pretty good. I decided that this was as good as I was going to get it and
then applied the PTFE lube, using the narrow spray tube to apply a stream of penetrating, foamy,
lubricant. I backpedalled the cranks for a little bit and wiped off the excess. I also wiped off the
chain several times in the next few days.
I think the main pitfall was that I didn't manage to clean it as thoroughly as I would have liked.
It didn't really feel "fresh" inside when I played with it. Also, I didn't rinse off the degreaser,
so although on the surface it dries pretty quick there may have been some left inside the chain. I
think the effect of this would have been pretty limited though.
So anyway, now it's a week later and I am 830mi on. I got home after a bit of light rain and got a
bit carried away. First I wiped the frame dry, then sprayed WD40 into all the unused rack mountings
and other frame holes, wiped the excess off and wiped the frame down with the WD40'd rag, then
applied PTFE lube to all the cable housing entry points, then to all the pivot points on the
derailers. Then I discovered how to use the PowerLink on my Sachs/SRAM chain and took it off. It
didn't feel as bad as right after I cleaned it. I think it's because part of the dodgy feeling I had
when flexing it may have been due to the liquid inside... or maybe the lubricant flushed some of the
**** out to be picked up on subsequent wipe-downs?
Anyhow, I wiped it down seveal more times, then sprayed it with the degreaser aeresol *liberally*
and continued wiping it down. Unfortunately it didn't seem to make all that much difference and I
felt like I was wasting time and degreaser. It still felt a little bit gritty inside.
I found a wide-neck 1L lemonade bottle and threw the chain in there in preperation to soak it in
something. (Actually, having another look at it now it doesn't seem so bad. The gritty feeling is
completely gone! Just a bit dirty between some links and I can feel that it's not *completely* clean
inside the rollers.)
End semi-irrelevant rant, begin actual question about chain cleaning...
I had a rummage around the garage and found: Mineralised Methylated Spirit (Funky purple colour!)
White Spirit 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
Which one of these would be the best to pour into the bottle and shake occasionally to get the
chain clean? I plan to leave it on my desk for a few hours and give it a vigorous shake every
now and then.
Other things I can think of to use are: Fairy dishwashing liquid (can't see this working too well)
Dishwashing-machine powder (I'm wary of this stuff ever since it ate pits into the bottom of a pan
when left overnight in the sink) coca cola (with all this whining about how it's so acidic, I figure
it might do some good. probably too much sugar and not enough chemicals capable of breaking down the
grease though.)
Are there any precautions? Is it posible to "over-do it" with any of these chemicals? (Aside from
the dishwashing-machine powder)
I plan on soaking it for a couple of hours with frequent agitation, then pouring out whatever I'm
using into a jar for reuse, and filling the bottle with water and shaking vigorously for a while,
maybe changing the water a few times to make sure I clean out all of the cleaning chemicals. Then
drying it with a rag and leaving it out to dry overnight before putting it back on the bike and
aplying PTFE lubricant with a narrow tube, letting it work its way in, then wiping down with a rag.
How does that sound?
Thanks a lot, Dani