Tom Keats writes:
>> Waving the long term fatigue flag does not answer the question of
>> how low spoke tension causes spoke failure; a claim that appears in
>> this newsgroup often. I believe the example of rim deflection
>> under riding loads (which is the amount by which spoke preload is
>> reduced) is the appropriate parameter for stress change and it
>> shows that compression buckling is not possible in that respect as
>> I pointed out.
> So, would a newly-installed, brand-new spoke that's too loose,
> immediately break due to rim deflection, or break before its
> adjacent brethren (that have hitherto held-up so well) do?
If the spoke was initially not loose, as spokes are on a new wheel, It
would only be deemed too loose if load deflection of the rim at the
load affected zone (where the tire meets the road) is greater than
elastic elongation of spokes from tensioning. That is the problem
with many wheels these days where rims crack if tightened to a
reliable tension that will mot slacken under load. That is
exacerbated by using fewer spokes so that the preload of one or two
spokes alone support the load.
> What exactly /is/ rim deflection, and how does it happen? What
> makes it happen? Are we talking about the momentary bottom of the
> rim tending to squash flat on the surface it runs on and thereby
> compressing spokes, (I guess not, since you above rule-out
> compression buckling,) or are we talking about putting lateral 'S'
> curves in the rim, and thereby bending spokes? Or maybe it's about
> torque in a hard-driven wheel, between the rim and hub, where the
> hub tends to rotate faster than the rim can keep up with, and the
> spokes in-between bear the brunt, and the rim is deflected from the
> POV of the hub (and the connecting spokes?)
When a wheel bears a load applied to its axle, that force is
transmitted to the road by compressing the spokes in roughly the tire
contact patch so that they lose preload equivalent to the axle load.
All other spokes remain essentially unchanged in tension (especially
the top ones that have been believed to get tighter).
You can check this by plucking spokes with and without loading the
wheel and note the tone. A lower tone indicates lower tension, a
higher tone indicated higher tension then initially when the wheel was
not loaded.
> I don't know about these things, but I am curious, and I'd truly
> like to understand.
You can get a better picture of this in "the Bicycle Wheel" in which
this is described in detail with computed graphs of wheel deformation.
This subject comes up often enough that this book on the shelves of
most bicycle shops. It is also available from Amazon and ABE, among
Jobst Brandt
>> Waving the long term fatigue flag does not answer the question of
>> how low spoke tension causes spoke failure; a claim that appears in
>> this newsgroup often. I believe the example of rim deflection
>> under riding loads (which is the amount by which spoke preload is
>> reduced) is the appropriate parameter for stress change and it
>> shows that compression buckling is not possible in that respect as
>> I pointed out.
> So, would a newly-installed, brand-new spoke that's too loose,
> immediately break due to rim deflection, or break before its
> adjacent brethren (that have hitherto held-up so well) do?
If the spoke was initially not loose, as spokes are on a new wheel, It
would only be deemed too loose if load deflection of the rim at the
load affected zone (where the tire meets the road) is greater than
elastic elongation of spokes from tensioning. That is the problem
with many wheels these days where rims crack if tightened to a
reliable tension that will mot slacken under load. That is
exacerbated by using fewer spokes so that the preload of one or two
spokes alone support the load.
> What exactly /is/ rim deflection, and how does it happen? What
> makes it happen? Are we talking about the momentary bottom of the
> rim tending to squash flat on the surface it runs on and thereby
> compressing spokes, (I guess not, since you above rule-out
> compression buckling,) or are we talking about putting lateral 'S'
> curves in the rim, and thereby bending spokes? Or maybe it's about
> torque in a hard-driven wheel, between the rim and hub, where the
> hub tends to rotate faster than the rim can keep up with, and the
> spokes in-between bear the brunt, and the rim is deflected from the
> POV of the hub (and the connecting spokes?)
When a wheel bears a load applied to its axle, that force is
transmitted to the road by compressing the spokes in roughly the tire
contact patch so that they lose preload equivalent to the axle load.
All other spokes remain essentially unchanged in tension (especially
the top ones that have been believed to get tighter).
You can check this by plucking spokes with and without loading the
wheel and note the tone. A lower tone indicates lower tension, a
higher tone indicated higher tension then initially when the wheel was
not loaded.
> I don't know about these things, but I am curious, and I'd truly
> like to understand.
You can get a better picture of this in "the Bicycle Wheel" in which
this is described in detail with computed graphs of wheel deformation.
This subject comes up often enough that this book on the shelves of
most bicycle shops. It is also available from Amazon and ABE, among
Jobst Brandt