James_Potter wrote:
> *Try to do a complete flip before you land in the water. Only then
> will I accept this stunt as being cool. OR, do a hopspin as you jump
> off. Then continue twirling the whole way down. *
I had thought of doing a world-record unispin! That's where you jump off
the uni and spin it around under you. So far the recrod is 720. You
should be able to manage a few thousand or so. Again, the hard part will
be landing it...
If the water is only 8' deep, maybe you *could* land it, on the bottom!
It would be really cool if you could arrange an underwater view of
I think part of the controversy on this thread is because the topic is
about world records, and a drop into water wouldn't involve riding away.
That doesn't mean we wouldn't enjoy watching video of it.
johnfoss - Walkin' on the edge
John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at "unicycling.com"
"Hey, could I have some of that spinach? I need to get this pork rind
taste out of my mouth." -- Ryan Atkins to Kris Holm, on the way back
from Moab after sampling some of my pork rinds. They grossed out the
whole van!
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