Work displacement activity. Sorry

Alex Potter wrote:
> Mark Thompson wrote:
>>P.S. While we're talking about dead animals, does anyone know where to buy
>>mousetraps these days?

> If you can find one, a /proper/ ironmonger's shop.

Just ask for 'weapons of mouse destruction'.

Al C-F wrote on 28/10/2006 11:54 +0100:
> Just ask for 'weapons of mouse destruction'.

Allegedly kept in the Bed Linen section


"Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using
his intelligence; he is just using his memory."
- Leonardo da Vinci
Mark Thompson <pleasegivegenerously@warmmail*_turn_up_the_heat_to_reply*.com>
> P.S. While we're talking about dead animals, does anyone know where to buy
> mousetraps these days? [...]

Where are you? Pretty sure I saw some in Proper Job in Somerset. -- MJR/slef
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
[About mice]
> Haven't much empathy anyway as they've cost me a fortune in chewing damage,
> including bike bags in the garage.

Little b****rs once chewed on a pair of track mitts I left in a pocket
of my saddlebag in the garage. When I found them all the leather had
gone, and just the crochet-cotton backs remained.

They also made a nest in one of my wellingtons.
"Mike Smith" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> [email protected] says...
> [About mice]
>> Haven't much empathy anyway as they've cost me a fortune in chewing
>> damage,
>> including bike bags in the garage.

> Little b****rs once chewed on a pair of track mitts I left in a pocket
> of my saddlebag in the garage. When I found them all the leather had
> gone, and just the crochet-cotton backs remained.
> They also made a nest in one of my wellingtons.

We left 200m of caving rope in Austria one year to save carting it there and
back. We returned the next year to about 20 10m lengths of caving rope with
lovely fluffy ends :-(

Upon the miasma of midnight, a darkling spirit identified as Mark
Thompson <pleasegivegenerously@warmmail*_turn_up_the_heat_to_reply*.com>
gently breathed:

>P.S. While we're talking about dead animals, does anyone know where to buy
>mousetraps these days? All I can find is poison. I could just leave my
>cooking out for them if I wanted to poison them.

Forget traps, mice are cunning. Get a cat or two. Problem solved by an
entirely natural process, no chucking live vermin onto someone else's
land, and pleasant purring company as well.

NP: The Way Of All Flesh - So Cold.
- DJ Pyromancer, The Sunday Goth Social, Leeds. <>

Broadband, Dialup, Domains = <> = The UK's Pagan ISP!
<> <>
Pyromancer wrote:
> Forget traps, mice are cunning. Get a cat or two. Problem solved by
> an entirely natural process, no chucking live vermin onto someone
> else's land, and pleasant purring company as well.

Until they catch one, bring it in to play, get board once it stops running
about, it hides under the floor boards and dies.

"Its not the bodies its the stomach contents"

I takes about a month of having the windows open for the smell to go.

Andy Morris


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