What's the most effective way to communicate with a driver who's not paying attention to the road?

"What if we're focusing too much on visual cues? Could auditory or even vibrational alerts be more effective in grabbing the attention of distracted drivers?"
The age-old conundrum: how to pierce the veil of obliviousness shrouding the average driver's brain 🙄. I think it's high time we conceded that traditional methods are about as effective as a feather duster in a hurricane. Perhaps it's time to think outside the box (or bike lane, rather). Reflective gear and strategically placed lights are a great starting point, but what about more...unconventional approaches? Like, have you considered deploying a squadron of trained pigeons to peck at the driver's window? 🐦 Or, better yet, a portable, bike-mounted foghorn that blares "I'M RIGHT HERE, BUDDY!" at ear-shattering decibels? 📣 Okay, maybe those ideas need some refinement, but you get the gist. What are your thoughts on shaking things up and finding new ways to grab those distracted drivers' attention? 💡