What's the most challenging weather condition you've cycled in, and how did you stay safe?

The romanticization of cycling in extreme weather conditions. Let's get real, folks. While it's commendable to push through challenging weather, safety should always be the top priority. I've seen too many riders take unnecessary risks, prioritizing bragging rights over their well-being.

Torrential downpours and scorching heatwaves are not badges of honor; they're recipes for disaster. In such conditions, it's crucial to exercise caution, adapt your route, and know when to call it a day. Newsflash: your bike (and your morale) can be replaced; your life cannot.

So, instead of sharing war stories, let's focus on sharing best practices for navigating harsh weather conditions safely. What safety measures do you take when the skies turn dark? How do you prioritize your well-being over your ego?
Riding in extreme weather shouldn’t be sugarcoated. While some may thrive on the thrill, it often borders on recklessness. The question remains: how do you accurately assess your limits when facing severe weather? When you’re out there battling the elements, what specific indicators do you rely on to determine when it's time to turn back? Have you ever ignored those signs, and what was the outcome? Let’s dig deeper into these decision-making processes.