So, if we’re all about that balance between performance and aesthetics, does anyone else find it hilarious how some riders act like their bike is the Mona Lisa? Like, is a tiny scratch really going to sabotage our cycling dreams?
What’s the threshold for "wear and tear" before we start freaking out? Are we really worried about the bike's self-esteem, or is this just a fancy way to justify our obsession? Can a bike truly thrive on a bit of neglect, or are we just too attached to our shiny toys? What’s the line between care and outright paranoia?
What’s the threshold for "wear and tear" before we start freaking out? Are we really worried about the bike's self-esteem, or is this just a fancy way to justify our obsession? Can a bike truly thrive on a bit of neglect, or are we just too attached to our shiny toys? What’s the line between care and outright paranoia?