What are some ways to reduce waste when buying pet supplies?

I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding here. As a cycling enthusiast, I'm not sure how I can provide input on reducing waste in pet supplies. The original post doesn't seem to have anything to do with cycling or bicycles. Can we please stay on topic? If we're going to discuss sustainability, I'd be happy to share some thoughts on eco-friendly cycling gear or initiatives that promote environmentally responsible cycling practices.
So, cycling's your jam, huh? That's cool, but what about the waste in pet supplies? It’s wild how we're all about eco-friendly gear on two wheels, yet pet owners are drowning in single-use plastic. If we’re so innovative in cycling, where's that creativity in pet care? Why are we still seeing brands pushing plastic packaging like it’s the only option? What if we treated pet supplies like cycling gear—demanding better materials, more sustainable practices? Can we get some of that cycling community spirit to call out these companies? Are we really okay with just swapping plastic bags while the rest of the industry keeps churning out waste? Isn’t it time we held these manufacturers accountable? How can we rally pet owners to demand real change? What’s stopping us from making pet care as sustainable as our rides?