Wattage overload

Power analys is fun, enterteining, rewarding and makes yourself to get to know you better. Thats is excellent!.

However I agree with Beerco in what he said as "over-prescribed". The science behind power training and power meeters barely exists (I mean "real" science ) and what is out there is not very solid (notes, paper articles and some books, in my opinion). So the problem is that many coaches out there with no scientific bacground nor a knowlege of cycling metabolism prescribe to cyclists, especially over the net in a "copy and paste" way, in many cases not knowing to who the are giving the info and what´s worse..if his/her client can assimilate that prescription with any physiological data. Otherwise it is real fun.

mikeyp123 said:
Is there something wrong with me if I have fun looking at all my ride data, geeking out on the numbers and charts? It's bonus after the ride fun.
You and me brother! We're all freaks here. :D
And starting at around $1000 is there really any other pice of cycling gear that will get you the improvements that a power meter does? (eg. if you and I are the same speed today and I get a power tap at $1200, you get a set of Zipps for $2400, you may beat me tomorrow. but a month from now and anytime after I will blow you away!)