unfortunately, craigeckhoff is right about having a good lock system. one of my cable locks has 3 or 4 strands frayed where someone tried to chop it. on tours, i now use 2. 1 is a standard cable lock that i have hanging from one of the saddle rails. it's long enough to go through the frame, rear rims and around a street sign pole. the other is a long cable (5 ' or so?) with a pad lock that i only use when away from the bike for a long time.craigeckhoff said:If you choose credit card touring with minimum weight, tour the Eastern half of the U.S.A. Towns are much closer. If you tour only states bordering the Atlantic Ocean (ie: South Carolina) any town is within 12 miles (20 kilometers) of another town (or closer). I tour with a now 12 year old modified mountain bike. No shocks, made of CroMolly (a steel alloy), with 1.5 inch (32? mm) width tires. If you are worried about being stuck in cold weather, heres a suggestion. I carry a tent, tarp, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, and blanket, all in a compression style bag. All bought at giant discount malls which are every few miles apart in the US
it seems. Total cost was less than $120, total weight 12 lbs (5 kilos). YOU MUST HAVE A REALLY STRONG BIKE LOCK SYSTEM. Good Americans are very good, and, unfortunately, bad Americans are very bad. I carry a 4 foot log chain with a massive padlock, and never leave my bike unlocked even for a minute. I also spray painted my rather expensive bike badly with a ugly color. Looks at first glance like yard sale junk.
i have to admit, i'm impressed with craigeckhoff's gear. my own tent, tarp, bag, and pad tip the scales at a bit over 6 lbs., but that doesn't include a blanket, and my bag alone cost about half again his total.
also, the bad-paint-job camouflage does seem to work. my brother, who spent about 15 or 20 years living in lower manhatten and brooklyn, managed to hang on to his bike. i think it was because he decoupaged it with shellac and pictures he cut out of magazines and newspapers. definitely a bike that both stood out boldly and looked like a piece of cr_p at the same time.
nun, if you go for that nice new frame, maybe you could rap the frame with police crime scene tape and the nice lug work with electrician's tape. LOL
it'd make for a hilarious set of vacation pics.