James Annan
Jeremy Collins wrote:
> This argument makes perfect economic and environmental sense, but
> as someone who works from home most of the time it is not
> something I would force on anyone. Give people the choice, sure,
> but if they want to come to an office let them. The choice of
> *how* they get there is a separate issue.
I really have to worry about people who say these sort of things. Sure,
going to work _occasionally_ is probably a good thing (for some people,
that can be _very_ occasionally). But every day? Why? When I take a day
off, I can generally achieve twice as much in half the time, apart from
when I have to use the stupidly crippled computer system I mentioned
earlier. Just put on some good music, good coffee, and enjoy the lack of
distractions and saving of commute time.
If I have seen further than others, it is
by treading on the toes of giants.
> This argument makes perfect economic and environmental sense, but
> as someone who works from home most of the time it is not
> something I would force on anyone. Give people the choice, sure,
> but if they want to come to an office let them. The choice of
> *how* they get there is a separate issue.
I really have to worry about people who say these sort of things. Sure,
going to work _occasionally_ is probably a good thing (for some people,
that can be _very_ occasionally). But every day? Why? When I take a day
off, I can generally achieve twice as much in half the time, apart from
when I have to use the stupidly crippled computer system I mentioned
earlier. Just put on some good music, good coffee, and enjoy the lack of
distractions and saving of commute time.
If I have seen further than others, it is
by treading on the toes of giants.