Nick Kew wrote:
> Tony W wrote:
>> But if we could
>>convince a reasonable minority of the population to consider cycling as an
>>option for *some* journeys of less than,
> And for longer journeys, use the IT infrastructure instead. Stop
> thinking in terms of the 19th/20th century office, and think of the
> job instead. Dragging your body there and back every day is such
> a waste of time: leave the roads clear for those with a real reason
> to use them.
Bloody right. One of the most obnoxiously stupid bureaucratic idiocies I
have to put up with on a regular basis is that one particular computer I
need to use is inaccessible unless one is quite literally sitting at a
terminal in the same building. So after 2 days off with a stinking cold,
I dragged myself in to work today to do about 30 mins of routine
checking and submitting a new job. And collaborators from the UK have to
actually come and live here for months on end (some of them commuting
regularly from the UK) just to use the thing.
All because some numpty decided that the risk of hackers meant that they
would rather cripple the system for all users by design, than implement
any reasonable level of security.
If I have seen further than others, it is
by treading on the toes of giants.