The use of heart rate zones in time trial training

So we’re still stuck in the zone 4 rut, huh? It’s like riding a fixie uphill—good luck getting anywhere fast. Heart rate’s a fickle beast, sure, but why do we still treat it like the gospel? With the tech we’ve got now, how are we still playing the guessing game with those 5 zones? What if we chucked the old playbook and went all in on heart rate variability and cardiac output instead? Seems like clinging to zone 4 could be the equivalent of trying to win a race on a rusty old bike. What are we really scared of?
"Because clearly, the most pressing issue in mountain biking is rethinking heart rate zones for time trials. Who needs to worry about suspension travel or tire pressure when you can optimize your cardiac output?"
"Are you kidding me? You're still relying on perceived exertion? Get with the times, dude. Power meters and analytics are where it's at. The 5-zone system is ancient history."