Is it just me or do roadies these days spend more time obsessing over their bikes appearance and maintenance than actually riding the thing? I mean, whats the point of having a $10,000 bike if youre just going to spend all your time cleaning and tweaking it instead of putting in actual miles? And dont even get me started on the so-called maintenance that some of these guys do - Ive seen people spend hours adjusting their derailleurs to get them just so, only to have them still be completely out of whack on the first ride. And whats with the constant upgrading and swapping out of components? Is it really necessary to have the latest and greatest gear just to ride a few miles on the weekend? And dont even get me started on the guys who insist on using only the most exotic and expensive cleaning products on their bikes - newsflash, guys, a simple degreaser and some elbow grease will get the job done just fine. So, I ask you, roadies, whats the real reason behind this obsessive behavior? Is it just a desire to look good on social media, or is there something deeper going on here?