The Kiss of Death

I ordered a replacement seat fabric from their home page. Greg Bower responded on the order thru
email and sent COD, but did not respond to my question on the status of the company. They have in
the past posted close out deals this time of year if my memory serves. Hope they can continue.

> The thing about Vision going under, has anyone tried to contact the company to see how things are
> going & if are going to take down the flag for the last time. Last I heard was Vision had this
> plan to diversify to cover slow bike sale periods and build Wheelchair wheels and then they went
> on silent running after that. There used to be a nice chap heading their Marketing dept., he used
> to post messages on ARBR weekly and I've seen nothing for months.,.cannot remember his name now,
> but if you are still lurking, step up and say hi.
> Joshua *****.