Edward Dolan wrote:
> No, you opened the matter by having a very strange name.
You are the only "person" in over 62 years to find my name, which is of
very ovbious and very commonplace British Isles derivaton, "strange."
While you declaim it as "strange," it strangely seems central to your
strange, possibly psychotic, maunderings which ludicrously seek to turn
the messenge in upon itself. Your violations of logic and proper
discourse are not even so challenging as Mikey's; this is possibly
because you have only vommited yourself upon these groups recently and
thereby lack the familiarity with infinite regress which only time can
> I was once in London in another century in Feb. and it was so foggy I could
> not see my hand in front of my face. All was light and bright by the time I
> got to Paris. Of course, I never did stay in any Hilton hotels, whether in
> foggy old London or bright and sunny Paris.
I, too, was in London in another century - this can be documented.
(Actually both London, England and London, Ontario; however, not whilst
on the same journey.) I found there no difficulty in finding my way
about either city nor today can see the minutest relevance between my
quite ordinary name and the captial city of a Continental nation. I most
certainlly was not led so bumblingly astray as to stumble unawares onto
The Continent.
You blather at interminable length of being "high" on Olympus conversing
with anthropomorphic figmentations who are uniformly represented
throughout history as bickering, ill-behaved infants who have little to
do - when not squabbling amongst themsleves - than being tiresomely
meddlesome in human affairs, often in a scurrilous and venal manner. I
can readily see the "high" in your alledged experience. There have been
as yet no documentable delineations of the anthropomorphic beings
rumored to reside there and amongst whom you voiciferously claim to
reside. By the same token there have been centuries of documentation
purporting to describe the infantile, egocentric, anthrophobic and
internecine silliness to be found there. These qualities present
themselves clearly and abundantly in your own comments relating to yourself.
In counter of all this, I can offer a gedcom-format genealogy of my
family which will firmly document my lineage descended from Alfred The
Great and his House as well as the 11th Century Frankish interlopers.
Genealogists term this "a foot in both camps" but such is of minor
consequence. Of greater moment is that these connections are documented
& verifiable whereas yours are not documentable and cannot be documented
outside psychopathic (drug induced?) episodes. You, Timothy Leary and
Lord Byron perhaps have much in common.
Save your disjointed, interneceine blither-blather. In a few hours I
will be on a vacation trip and my filters are such that your items on
these threads will expire far sooner than my anticipated return. I am
and will remain beyond your scatalogical and scurrilous sciolism. Your
mindless, meaningless maunderings may be seen - but much more likely
avoided - by others. I should not be in the lest surprised to learn
that, except for Mad Mikey, I am the final person to filter you from my
Peter Hilton "of The Strange name"
> No, you opened the matter by having a very strange name.
You are the only "person" in over 62 years to find my name, which is of
very ovbious and very commonplace British Isles derivaton, "strange."
While you declaim it as "strange," it strangely seems central to your
strange, possibly psychotic, maunderings which ludicrously seek to turn
the messenge in upon itself. Your violations of logic and proper
discourse are not even so challenging as Mikey's; this is possibly
because you have only vommited yourself upon these groups recently and
thereby lack the familiarity with infinite regress which only time can
> I was once in London in another century in Feb. and it was so foggy I could
> not see my hand in front of my face. All was light and bright by the time I
> got to Paris. Of course, I never did stay in any Hilton hotels, whether in
> foggy old London or bright and sunny Paris.
I, too, was in London in another century - this can be documented.
(Actually both London, England and London, Ontario; however, not whilst
on the same journey.) I found there no difficulty in finding my way
about either city nor today can see the minutest relevance between my
quite ordinary name and the captial city of a Continental nation. I most
certainlly was not led so bumblingly astray as to stumble unawares onto
The Continent.
You blather at interminable length of being "high" on Olympus conversing
with anthropomorphic figmentations who are uniformly represented
throughout history as bickering, ill-behaved infants who have little to
do - when not squabbling amongst themsleves - than being tiresomely
meddlesome in human affairs, often in a scurrilous and venal manner. I
can readily see the "high" in your alledged experience. There have been
as yet no documentable delineations of the anthropomorphic beings
rumored to reside there and amongst whom you voiciferously claim to
reside. By the same token there have been centuries of documentation
purporting to describe the infantile, egocentric, anthrophobic and
internecine silliness to be found there. These qualities present
themselves clearly and abundantly in your own comments relating to yourself.
In counter of all this, I can offer a gedcom-format genealogy of my
family which will firmly document my lineage descended from Alfred The
Great and his House as well as the 11th Century Frankish interlopers.
Genealogists term this "a foot in both camps" but such is of minor
consequence. Of greater moment is that these connections are documented
& verifiable whereas yours are not documentable and cannot be documented
outside psychopathic (drug induced?) episodes. You, Timothy Leary and
Lord Byron perhaps have much in common.
Save your disjointed, interneceine blither-blather. In a few hours I
will be on a vacation trip and my filters are such that your items on
these threads will expire far sooner than my anticipated return. I am
and will remain beyond your scatalogical and scurrilous sciolism. Your
mindless, meaningless maunderings may be seen - but much more likely
avoided - by others. I should not be in the lest surprised to learn
that, except for Mad Mikey, I am the final person to filter you from my
Peter Hilton "of The Strange name"