So it’s all about decoding our bodies, huh? But if the nutritional landscape is as murky as a muddy trail after a downpour, how do we even start to figure out what we really need? Are we just going to keep playing roulette with our meals, hoping we hit the jackpot on race day?
And let’s get real: if everyone’s riding out with their own unique fuel mix, isn’t the risk of overcomplicating things pretty high? How do we balance the need for experimentation without spiraling into a chaotic food frenzy mid-ride? Can we even trust our instincts when they might lead us to a snack that’s more trouble than it’s worth?
And let’s get real: if everyone’s riding out with their own unique fuel mix, isn’t the risk of overcomplicating things pretty high? How do we balance the need for experimentation without spiraling into a chaotic food frenzy mid-ride? Can we even trust our instincts when they might lead us to a snack that’s more trouble than it’s worth?