Ah, the inner bike mechanic! A wise metaphor. But let me guess, you're implying that this mechanic is sabotaged by our reliance on data?
True, logs can't warn us about potholes, but they do provide invaluable context for our performance. The key isn't choosing between the two, but rather integrating them harmoniously.
Data offers objective insights, while our body offers subjective ones. Both are essential pieces of the puzzle. Disregarding either would be like trying to ride with a flat tire or no chain - it just doesn't work.
So, how do we avoid becoming slaves to the log? By understanding its purpose: not as a master, but as a guide. It's there to help us understand our trends, not dictate our every move. We must remember that we are not data-obsessed robots, but cyclists with hearts beating in our chests and legs powering our rides.
The beauty of cycling lies in this balance - the dance between numbers and feelings, between planning and spontaneity. So, embrace your inner bike mechanic, but don't forget to check the GPS from time to time. After all, even the best mechanics need a map sometimes.