Talk about "****ing the Troops Around"

"Bill C" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Jim I don't think that the vast mass of Americans today would fight,
> even if we were invaded.

I am absolutely convinced that a majority of people would actually cheer on
a Communist takeover.
On Nov 22, 8:23 pm, "Tom Kunich" <cyclintom@yahoo. com> wrote:
> "Bill C" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Jim I don't think that the vast mass of Americans today would fight,
> > even if we were invaded.

> I am absolutely convinced that a majority of people would actually cheer on
> a Communist takeover.

At least a large minority. The other side is that another large
minority would cheer on a "Born Again" theocracy.
Bill C
"Bill C" <[email protected]> wrote...
> At least a large minority. The other side is that another large
> minority would cheer on a "Born Again" theocracy.

I want to see a Chung chart showing military enlistments between January
2000 and December 2002. Or some such.


"A really great man is known by three signs,--generosity in the design,
humanity in the execution, and moderation in success."
- Karl Otto von Schonhausen Bismarck
"Fred Fredburger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Tom Kunich wrote:
>> "Fred Fredburger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> I've got no problem with the mercenaries, but there's a rather large
>>> work of mythology built around the US Military and the "glory of war"
>>> that runs counter to the practice of hiring them.

>> You were never in the service were you?

> Wrong again, you God damned moron.
> You weren't in the service, however. For you and your kind, patriotism
> comes cheap and easy since you don't have to think about it.

USAF and Vietnam medal. What about you? You have a really big mouth for some
dumb ******* that seems to see "glory of war" anywhere outside of an Al Gore

> In order to continue to believe in the myth of the invincible American
> fighting man, you MUST look the other way and pretend the wounded ones
> don't exist. It goes hand in hand. And THAT'S what passes for patriotism
> among your kind.

Tell me you pissant piece of **** - when did I say ANYTHING about
"invincible American fighting man"? You are one of those doped up dickheads
that pretend that they somehow know what the hell is going on around them
when they actually can't even identify themselves. Let me commend your
bravery. It is always so difficult to criticize the mainstream when everyone
knows who you are.
_ wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:15:26 -0800 (PST), [email protected] wrote:
>> someone would have to be stupid or desperate to take $14,000/3 yr
>> bonus for the privilege of losing an eye.

> Not always.
> It probably depends on the cause as much as the person. There's a famous
> example of someone who gave up thousands a week for a uniform and $21 a
> month - 9 months before Pearl - because he saw it coming and thought it was
> the right thing to do.

That's an example of stupid, now give me an example of desperate.
"Tom Kunich" a écrit profondement:

| "Davey Crockett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
| news:[email protected]...
| > "[email protected]" a écrit profondement:
| >
| > |
| > | every country that has a military in combat should have a draft,
| > | because a voluntary service exploits the uneducated and poor.
| > |
| >
| > There are anti-slavery laws in the United States, unless Jorge Boosh
| > puts the interpretation to the Puppets on The Supreme Kangaroo Kourt
| > for a "favourable" interpretation, just as he is doing with the Second
| > Amendment which he will then use to confiscate your guns sometime
| > soon.
| Too bad you don't actually read the decisions you talk about. It must
| terrify you that the present court is more likely to limit
| "interpretation" to the actual words and not invent new meanings as
| Ginsburg insists is the total responsibility of the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Cout is a bunch of Wankers, bought and paid for as are
all the ceeps that pass for the Politicians of this world::::::

Supremes to Decide if Second Amendment Means What It Says

TruthNews | November 21, 2007
Kurt Nimmo

"In a decision that could affect gun control laws across the nation,
the Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether the Second Amendment
protects an individual's right to carry a gun," reports ABC News .

Carry? Or possess?

"It has been 70 years since the high court has focused on the meaning
of the words ‘right to keep and bear arms' in the Second Amendment and
the case is sure to ignite cultural battles across the country."

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be

Seems pretty straight forward to me.

"The Supreme Court agreed to step in because the issue has caused a
deep split in the lower courts. While a majority of courts have said
that the right to bear arms refers in connection to service in a state
militia, two federal courts have said the amendment protects an
individual's right to keep a gun."

A deep split? Apparently, members sitting in the lower courts have a
difficult time reading plain English. The Second Amendment states
unambiguously that the right to bears arms "shall not be infringed."

But then there are people like District of Criminals mayor Adrian
Fenty, who states: "Whatever right the Second Amendment guarantees, it
does not require the district to stand by while its citizens die."

In other words, Fenty thinks he can ban guns and he will not "stand
by" the Second Amendment.

The District of Criminals has the highest crime rate in the country,
surpassing Los Angeles and New York. Is this possible because guns are
banned there and the criminals realize they can victimize anybody they
want without consequence?

It seems Fenty is standing by while people die.

But then it is not the responsibility of the police to protect the
people. It is the duty of the people to protect themselves.

We'll see if the Supremes agree. Or if they will strip the Second
Amendment to its bones.

Davey Crockett
Driving a Stake through the
Heart of the Politically Correct
"Tom Kunich" a écrit profondement:

| By the way Davey, you really ought to learn what promoted the war in Iraq.

Nobody but Jorge Boosh's War Criminal Puppet Masters know for sure
what started the Illegal War of Agression in Iraq

Unless you can enlighten us?

Davey Crockett
Driving a Stake through the
Heart of the Politically Correct
"Bill C" <[email protected]> wrote in message

> How's it under the radar? There are tons of stories out there,
> especially about Blackwater. The public might not care, and there's no
> real swell of questioning, but until they do a weekly TV show, or
> movie about them most of the Country will continue to watch Oprah, Dr.
> Phil, and whatever the hell the hot sitcom is these days while being
> clueless and happy.

For me it's Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Carl from ATHF does NOT look human


"Starfleet Marine Corp, blasting Aliens to far edges of the galaxy!!!
You are the Captain of your own Starship. A fellow Captain who was also your
best friend at the academy is under attack by a superior enemy which is more
power than 10 of your own ships put together.
He requests for your assistence. What do you do? "-

"Davey Crockett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> Nobody but Jorge Boosh's War Criminal Puppet Masters know for sure
> what started the Illegal War of Agression in Iraq
> \

whether or not you know John Kerry


"organising center of any utterance, of any experience,
is not within but outside in the social milieu surrounding the individual
being,"--v n voloshinov
<[email protected]> wrote in message

> dumbass,
> sounds like a reasonable solution to me. you can hire someone to mow
> the lawn or put up drywall, so what's wrong with hiring someone to
> shoot some iraqis ?
> at least these blackwater dudes get paid a market price for doing a
> dangerous job.

yes but that's because the blackwater dudes all live in Frank Lloyd Wright


"You can't force ideas. It's a lot like fishing. Fisherman don't
move around fast. They sit quietly, and they have a bait, and that bait
is the
desire, and that's all you've got. So, you just go in your mind, and some
you don't catch anything, and then maybe one day you just get that big
fish."--David Lynch)
On Nov 22, 8:57 pm, "Jim Flom" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Bill C" <[email protected]> wrote...
> > At least a large minority. The other side is that another large
> > minority would cheer on a "Born Again" theocracy.

> I want to see a Chung chart showing military enlistments between January
> 2000 and December 2002. Or some such.
> --
> JF
> "A really great man is known by three signs,--generosity in the design,
> humanity in the execution, and moderation in success."
> - Karl Otto von Schonhausen Bismarck

My recollection is that there was a good sized surge, but the only
comparable event was Pearl Harbor, and you had organized political
attacks on our military by the left, and anti-war groups in the next
few days. Many saying those people just got what they deserved, and it
wasn't just Ward Churchill either.
I'd love to see a breakdown of Red/Blue State enlistment, wanna bet
it's at least 60/40 from the Red states? If Castro or Chavez need
troops then it'll be 90/10 from the Blue States.
Bill C
On Nov 23, 4:07 pm, Bill C <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Nov 22, 8:57 pm, "Jim Flom" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "Bill C" <[email protected]> wrote...

> > > At least a large minority. The other side is that another large
> > > minority would cheer on a "Born Again" theocracy.

> > I want to see a Chung chart showing military enlistments between January
> > 2000 and December 2002. Or some such.

> > --
> > JF

> > "A really great man is known by three signs,--generosity in the design,
> > humanity in the execution, and moderation in success."
> > - Karl Otto von Schonhausen Bismarck

> My recollection is that there was a good sized surge, but the only
> comparable event was Pearl Harbor, and you had organized political
> attacks on our military by the left, and anti-war groups in the next
> few days. Many saying those people just got what they deserved, and it
> wasn't just Ward Churchill either.
> I'd love to see a breakdown of Red/Blue State enlistment, wanna bet
> it's at least 60/40 from the Red states? If Castro or Chavez need
> troops then it'll be 90/10 from the Blue States.
> Bill C

Chomsky in particular has stated over and over it was ALL our fault,
and was doing so immediately after.
Can someone point me to an article in a left wing site being outraged
over or even reporting this:,2933,312645,00.html

Iraqi Couple Beheaded as Children Watched
Friday, November 23, 2007

E-Mail Print Digg This!
Three suspected Al Qaeda militants beheaded an Iraqi couple in front
of the couple's children, Reuters reported Friday.

The suspected militants were reportedly related to the victims, and
told a family uncle the male victim was an infidel because he wore
Western-style trousers and did not pray, according to the Reuters

The three suspects, including two sisters, reportedly carried out the
execution at an all-boys school in Jalawlah in Diyala province.

Oh yeah, all the women are non-combatants right? That's what the left/
HRW/Amnesty keep screaming.
Please provide me with links to the left's response to this.
Bill C
"Fred Fredburger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Tom Kunich wrote:
>> Tell me you pissant piece of **** - when did I say ANYTHING about
>> "invincible American fighting man"? You are one of those doped up
>> dickheads that pretend that they somehow know what the hell is going on
>> around them when they actually can't even identify themselves. Let me
>> commend your bravery. It is always so difficult to criticize the
>> mainstream when everyone knows who you are.

> I'm amazed with the ease at which you've leapt to the status quo's defense
> on this.
> Wow. Do you even remember what Bill's original post was about?

So all of a sudden I'm leaping to the "defense" of people who are being
unfair? Again I commend someone who remains anonymous for his obvious
personal bravery.
"Davey Crockett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Tom Kunich" a écrit profondement:
> |
> | Too bad you don't actually read the decisions you talk about. It must
> | terrify you that the present court is more likely to limit
> | "interpretation" to the actual words and not invent new meanings as
> | Ginsburg insists is the total responsibility of the Supreme Court.
> The Supreme Cout is a bunch of Wankers, bought and paid for as are
> all the ceeps that pass for the Politicians of this world::::::

We all realize you say that from a position of personal knowledge.

> We'll see if the Supremes agree. Or if they will strip the Second
> Amendment to its bones.

If they leave all as is does that make them some other sort of ****** in
your eyes?
"Bill C" <[email protected]> wrote in message

>> I am absolutely convinced that a majority of people would actually cheer
>> on
>> a Communist takeover.

> At least a large minority.

this is FUNNY

mainly because I know you have probably seen the posters for the new Taras
Bulba movie

that would have fit the bill!!!


"The Western seaboard for the fault line. Places like Texas, Arizona,
Nevada, Southern California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida for the
heat. The North, NW and NE for the freezing temperatures, so that will
remove states like Alaska, Washington, Montana, N&S Dakota, Minnesota,
Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Maine etc. "--John
"Jim Flom" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Bill C" <[email protected]> wrote...

> I want to see a Chung chart showing military enlistments between January
> 2000 and December 2002.

Connie Chung? She's not on CNN news anymore.

I think she got fired because she was so unreliable.

That's true of so much news today

I heard a Fox News reporter say, about Angelina Jolie's body guard, that
he literally went postal on a papparazzo.

Sure he hit the guy

Yet, on inspection of the accompanying video, I didn't see any flying
mailboxes, and the guy didn't hit the papparazzo with so much as a stamp


"Im writing this story because Stand By Me is my all time favorite movie,
and The Body by
Stephen King, which is the book Stand By Me's based off of is my favorite
story. Ummm.... I didnt
know what point of view to put this in and a narriator is just too annoying
so since I'm writing
this about me and my three friends the P.O.V. will be me, LiSA. "--,%20I%20Grow%20Up...%20(my%20version%20of%20Stand%20By%20Me)/
On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:15:26 -0800 (PST), "[email protected]"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>every country that has a military in combat should have a draft,
>because a voluntary service exploits the uneducated and poor.
>someone would have to be stupid or desperate to take $14,000/3 yr
>bonus for the privilege of losing an eye.
>the american public and media will only offer soldiers vocal support
>and pats on the back in lieu of real compensation.

Hey! I've got a sticker on my car too!
On Thu, 22 Nov 2007 09:16:02 -0800 (PST), Bill C
<[email protected]> wrote:

>On Nov 22, 11:50 am, Fred Fredburger
><[email protected]> wrote:
>> Donald Munro wrote:
>> > Bill C wrote:
>> >> There's NO chance of the draft being brought back unless the continental
>> >> US is invaded. None of our politicians are that stupid.

>> > They sub-contract to mercenaries these days, anyway.

>> True. The whole mercenary thing has slipped completely under the radar
>> of the media and public. It's more expensive this way but keeps everyone
>> quiet. Someday in the future someone will pay for it, I suppose.

>How's it under the radar? There are tons of stories out there,
>especially about Blackwater. The public might not care, and there's no
>real swell of questioning, but until they do a weekly TV show, or
>movie about them most of the Country will continue to watch Oprah, Dr.
>Phil, and whatever the hell the hot sitcom is these days while being
>clueless and happy.

It's coming out *recently.* I wrote to a major paper three years ago
complaining about mercenaries being described in headlines as
"american civilians attacked" and the paper's ombudsman blew off my
On Nov 23, 1:28 am, Kyle Legate <[email protected]> wrote:
> _ wrote:
> > On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:15:26 -0800 (PST), [email protected] wrote:

> >> someone would have to be stupid or desperate to take $14,000/3 yr
> >> bonus for the privilege of losing an eye.

> > Not always.

> > It probably depends on the cause as much as the person. There's a famous
> > example of someone who gave up thousands a week for a uniform and $21 a
> > month - 9 months before Pearl - because he saw it coming and thought it was
> > the right thing to do.

> That's an example of stupid, now give me an example of desperate.

Yep Kyle. Sacrifice for your Country and what you believe in is
stupid. Luckily for you a shitload of Canadians didn't think like you
and showed up through history so you could **** on them.
Thanks for supporting them.
Bill C
On Nov 24, 3:28 pm, John Forrest Tomlinson <[email protected]>
> On Thu, 22 Nov 2007 09:16:02 -0800 (PST), Bill C
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >On Nov 22, 11:50 am, Fred Fredburger
> ><[email protected]> wrote:
> >> Donald Munro wrote:
> >> > Bill C wrote:
> >> >> There's NO chance of the draft being brought back unless the continental
> >> >> US is invaded. None of our politicians are that stupid.

> >> > They sub-contract to mercenaries these days, anyway.

> >> True. The whole mercenary thing has slipped completely under the radar
> >> of the media and public. It's more expensive this way but keeps everyone
> >> quiet. Someday in the future someone will pay for it, I suppose.

> >How's it under the radar? There are tons of stories out there,
> >especially about Blackwater. The public might not care, and there's no
> >real swell of questioning, but until they do a weekly TV show, or
> >movie about them most of the Country will continue to watch Oprah, Dr.
> >Phil, and whatever the hell the hot sitcom is these days while being
> >clueless and happy.

> It's coming out *recently.* I wrote to a major paper three years ago
> complaining about mercenaries being described in headlines as
> "american civilians attacked" and the paper's ombudsman blew off my
> coment.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

What paper JT? Whoever it was, was a moron. The problems with mercs is
that they operate in a grey area of International law, are notoriously
hard to control, and owe their allegiance not to principles, or a
country, but to money and each other and that's about it.
For a long time US policy was to strip citizenship from anyone
operating as a merc, seems that since we are now "outsourcing" and
"privatizing" the military there is no penalty, and great reward for
being a scumbag merc.
Thanks Bush family.
Unfortunately a US foreign legion would be vehemently opposed by the
left on the grounds that it exploited poor people wanting to become US
citizens. That's really too bad because I'd love to have people as
citizens who were willing to step up and make a sacrifice, and
dedicate themselves to their country.
I love the FFL and the example they have set. They've probably
sacrificed more than any other group of French citizens, and it's not
for the pay, or luxuries. It's always been to be a part of the great
Nation, and concept that is France.
Bill C