Something's wrong with the system when...

Try making a thread with a valid (and reasoned) point and then being able to respond to the comments with something thoughtful. Sadly it would seem as though that is beyond you.

As you were Tony. Carry on with the inane name calling... Don't worry, we're laughing at you rather than with you. Have fun talking to yourself in your ebay foilbles thread.
The Energizer Bunny just got some fresh batteries, apparently...4 years and going...
Originally Posted by tonyzackery .

The Energizer Bunny just got some fresh batteries, apparently...4 years and going...

I guess this qualifies as the last word.
Jeezus H. Tapdancing Krist on a pogo stick!

Is he this stupid in every damned thread? What a river of butthurt!

The race rules were standard fare and published long before the starting pistol was fired.