Is it really too much to ask for drivers to have their eyes on the road and their hands on the wheel, or do I need to start using my horn as a permanent fixture to alert them to every potential danger, because apparently, thats what its going to take to get their attention. I mean, seriously, how many times do you have to slam on your brakes or swerve out of the way to avoid a collision with a driver whos too busy texting or eating to notice youre there. And dont even get me started on the ones who think its okay to open their doors without checking their mirrors or blind spots. Should I just start assuming that every driver is a hazard and use my horn to alert them to their own incompetence, or is that just going to make me a pariah among cyclists. Im starting to think that the only way to stay safe on the road is to be a permanent nuisance, because clearly, drivers arent going to start paying attention to us anytime soon. Is it better to be a horn-happy cyclist whos always on the defensive, or should I just accept that Im going to be someones hood ornament someday.