> > I was actually planning to. the second up compartment (between front pouch and middle exposed
> > compartment) looks big enough for a fairly sizable first-aid kit. Any recommendations for
> > contents?
> that is a whole other thread...... best not to take up here.
Ahh, how true. i'll start one then.
> >>The take a few dollars and join NEMBA or IMBA
> >>
> >
> >
> > I was planning a while back to join IMBA, guess now would be a good time to do it. At that same
> > time a while back, i was also looking at the bike patrol (had intentions of being an EMT at the
> > time). I'll go for just an IMBA membership, and see about getting the certifications for NMBP.
> All you need is current Red Cross Certification and IMBA Membership
<copied from site>
1. Current certification in basic first aid and CPR.
2. Successful completion of any of the following courses:
* A mountain bike patrol training course (taught by a local NMBP-affiliated group).
* A volunteer host training program (taught by local land manager).
* A ski area specific mountain bike patroller training (taught by a local ski area
management or ski patrol).
I can sign up for the CPR course at the hospital i belive. but where am i going to complete the
second requirement? I am not aware of any local NMBP members (is there a directory someplace?)
But then, this all assumes i can upgrade my membership once i get those certifications (impulse
strikes again).
> >>>It truly was not my intention to act in a selfish manor.
> >>OCD is a b!tch isn't it?
> > Not sure i follow the relation of that last statement.
> "Ohh Ohh I got a dolllar, I gotta go spend it!"
Ahh, i see. actually its more of a "Ohh Ohh, i can afford <insert item
here> now, i just gotta buy it while i still can".
same idea though.
travis57 at megalink dot net
> > compartment) looks big enough for a fairly sizable first-aid kit. Any recommendations for
> > contents?
> that is a whole other thread...... best not to take up here.
Ahh, how true. i'll start one then.
> >>The take a few dollars and join NEMBA or IMBA
> >>
> >
> >
> > I was planning a while back to join IMBA, guess now would be a good time to do it. At that same
> > time a while back, i was also looking at the bike patrol (had intentions of being an EMT at the
> > time). I'll go for just an IMBA membership, and see about getting the certifications for NMBP.
> All you need is current Red Cross Certification and IMBA Membership
<copied from site>
1. Current certification in basic first aid and CPR.
2. Successful completion of any of the following courses:
* A mountain bike patrol training course (taught by a local NMBP-affiliated group).
* A volunteer host training program (taught by local land manager).
* A ski area specific mountain bike patroller training (taught by a local ski area
management or ski patrol).
I can sign up for the CPR course at the hospital i belive. but where am i going to complete the
second requirement? I am not aware of any local NMBP members (is there a directory someplace?)
But then, this all assumes i can upgrade my membership once i get those certifications (impulse
strikes again).
> >>>It truly was not my intention to act in a selfish manor.
> >>OCD is a b!tch isn't it?
> > Not sure i follow the relation of that last statement.
> "Ohh Ohh I got a dolllar, I gotta go spend it!"
Ahh, i see. actually its more of a "Ohh Ohh, i can afford <insert item
here> now, i just gotta buy it while i still can".
same idea though.
travis57 at megalink dot net