Removing tire from Alex rim

From earlier threads on this topic, a while back, I seem to remember
some ideas.

1. Pay the bike shop to do it the first time and watch how they do it so
you can get savvy.

2. Take three large long cable ties and sinch them around the tire to as
close to the rim as possible in one area, which should help to reduce
the circumference of the tire and maybe create some extra room to work

3. Work on it on a hot day. Leave the tire or uni with tire in a car
for a bit just to limber things up.

Note: I have never tried any of these yet, because I run a 24" Gazz on
a BFR rim and it's an easy mount and dismount.
Just my $ 0.02

My next creation, under development, will feature a Gazz on a AlexDX32
rim. Should be interesting...

The Munieer - Mountaineer + Uni = MUnieer

Rod Wylie

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Any serious thoughts on using a lubricant on part of the tire that
doesn't affect the rubber, like KY Jelly? No risk of ending up with
water staying in the tire.

nikolaus says "I did it" as he typed his name. Nik is four.

The Munieer - Mountaineer + Uni = MUnieer

Rod Wylie

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I wouldn't use anything other than silicone spray.
It evaporates and disappears right away.

Anything else would stay on the tire and make a mess. When you rode it
would get everywhere and attract the dirt quickly. What a mess that
would be.


Darren - Bedford Unicycles
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"The Munieer" <[email protected]> writes:

> Any serious thoughts on using a lubricant on part of the tire that
> doesn't affect the rubber, like KY Jelly? No risk of ending up with
> water staying in the tire.

I've used glycerin to help ease the Duro Wildlife tire on and off my
Alex DX32 rim. Glycerin is an ingredient in some rubber care
products, so I'm not worried about it hurting the tire.

I can agree that the Luna tires are hard to get on an Alex trials rim. I
built a wheel in my mini van today on a family trip and putting the tire
on the rim was the hardest part. I had to resort to the use of a
screwdriver to get the last few inches of bead on the rim.



Nothing to see here... move along.
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The Munieer wrote:
> *Any serious thoughts on using a lubricant on part of the tire that
> doesn't affect the rubber, like KY Jelly? No risk of ending up with
> water staying in the tire.*

They do claim that KY Jelly is safe to use on rubbers.

quark soup - Frood who knows where his towel is.

quark soup

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Some directional tires are more directional than others. The Gazz tread
is not really that directional compared with most other directional
treads. It's somewhere between a very directional tread and a
non-directional tread such as the Monty. Since skidding downhill on a
uni isn't really that big a deal as far as control goes, compared to
losing grip going uphill, for general use a Gazz might be best mounted

U-Turn - Member of Generation XO

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