Harry (Lincoln, Nebraska)
>>> The chief hazard I've run into on snowy roads is sideslips and wheel
>>> diversions due to crossing ruts at a shallow angle. That's sometimes
>>> very difficult to avoid, especially at intersections and when changing
>>> lanes. On an upright the usual way to stay, well, upright is to get up
>>> off the saddle and shift one's weight to compensate. When you've run
>>> into those conditions on a recumbent, how have you handled it?
>> Studded tires with studs on the shoulders would be a necessity.
>> One *might* take a few more falls under such conditions on a recumbent,
>> but the falls hurt much less.
>If you really want to do ice on a cycle, there's a lot to be said for
>more than two wheels...
We have a lot of ice rigth now on the side streets here in Nebraska.
I don't have a problem riding the Trike on it. Takes a little longer
to get where I am going and I often have to detour around some of the
larger pack ice pushed across intersections by plows. And this to me
is pretty close to off-road riding. Rough and Tumble ride. And I
just LOVE it when I get into a parking lot that's empty and covered
with ice...........Donuts are INCREDIBLE and always seem to put a
smile on my face.