Arthur Clune wrote:
> Out of interest, what have you got? ISTR a Burrows 8 Freight?
> How does it compare to the standard bike + Bob, which is what I have?
I've not actually tried a BOB, but my pal with one took a look at my=20
coal bags and said he wouldn't want to try both at once (ISTR it's about =
a 35 Kg rating on a BOB, where the 8 will do occasionals of up to 100 Kg =
and routinely run with 50 Kg according to MB).
But primary improvement are, I think, from the whole thing being=20
designed for the job from the ground up. So a very wide stand which you =
can put down from a handlebar control combined with a parking brake=20
means that loading up is safer and easier. The load bin is wider and=20
deeper than a BOB's, so you can make do without straps for more loads=20
(the fridge to the dump trip, for example, didn't need any special=20
securing, we just lowered it into the freight bin and let it rest back=20
on the frame tubes). Another bonus is that the 20" rear is below the=20
level of the top of the load area (extended from the bin by an integral=20
rack) so you can overhang the end of the bike with no worries about=20
trapping stuff in wheels when you steer.
Another nice feature is a relatively low cross bar, which can make=20
getting on and off with really unwieldy loads a lot more friendly=20
(having said that, I've got a nasty graze on my shin from when I forgot=20
that swinging my leg over the bag of the saddle would interface with a=20
folding bad I had lashed to the back last week, D'oh!), though of course =
there's nothing to stop you using a step-through frame with a BOB.
On the minus side you can't take the load area off and stick it in a=20
cupboard when you get home to leave you with ideal personal transport!=20
It's about the same length as a tandem with a 2m wheelbase so it's not=20
really feasible to prop it in the hall when you add in the width of the=20
load bin (which is integral to the frame). It strikes me as better for=20
serious loads than just about any other bike, but most other bikes do=20
more than one thing well. Another big minus compared to a BOB, of=20
course, is the extra grand it'll cost (basic bike is =A31150 but mine has=
a dynamo with front and rear standlights plus a Klickfix basket (there's =
a mount welded on as standard) for the front for even more carrying=20
capacity to notch the price up the extra =A3100).
I use mine more than I thought I would, and it's been especially handy=20
the last couple of weeks while I've been clearing out the attic and Roos =
has decided Something Must Be Done about the garden, both of which have=20
prompted much dump action...
Peter Clinch University of Dundee
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Medical Physics, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
[email protected]