Prefer indoor trainer to real biking?

I enjoy the speed too much, so rather be on the road. But, the indoor trainers work well for technique improvements.
I can't do any sort of indoor training for more than 5 minutes without getting bored to tears. I have some nice cold weather gear, so I plan on getting out and riding until it starts snowing.
dhk2 said:
Do most of you doing serious indoor training use a big cooling fan? When I trained at home, I found a box fan pointed on me made a big difference.
I wouldnt ride on an indoor trainer without some sort or air flow. Tried that once and seemed like i was sitting in a sauna with this bubble of super moister rich air around me, it was also harder to breath.

Something caught my attention in Ace hardware the other day.. There was this $120 metal bladed floor standing high amperage super fan used for basketball courts, workout rooms, etc.. :D but this $10 box fan will suffice.

The only way I can make the time pass while on the trainer is to keep the intensity really high. Knowing that I'm doing myself a huge favor come spring time keeps my enthusiasm high.
indoor yes I would not get bored but would love to own one. what is out there if had that 4,000.00usd set up I'll be on it.

If I had to go to a gym to use it, it would either be a wait, and time limit.

If had to go to a gym the bikes would be far better, or all broken down to use.

If outdoors the scenery can be just as boring as indoors , and stale air as well.

local riding can be dangerous as you make it..

So I preferre to have my own and be on my own rather be on one and look like a hogger to some...
Hate the indoor trainer. I reckon I get better training outdoors. I can sustain a higher effort for longer on the bike than I could imagine doing on the trainer. On the trainer, the time seems to drag and I'm acutely aware of the pain of the effort. On the road I'm distracted by the enjoyment of riding and encouraged by a bit of competition with other riders. I'm often amazed at the higher levels of effort and durations I achieved when viewing the charts after a road ride, yet it didn't feel like I was working that hard in comparison to lesser efforts on the trainer.