Thanks for your response. I appreciated your comments.
Smokey wrote:
> Fitz wrote:
> > I use a 9-speed HyperGlide chain and a SRAM PowerLink. SRAM highly
> > discourages use of a PowerLink with a HG chain, but I've not had a
> > single problem in over 4000K or use.
> >
> > I need your thoughts on the following:
> >
> > To clean, I soak the chain in Nashbar biodegradable solvent and then
> > hose it off with high-pressure water.
> >
> > I lay the chain out on newspaper and allow it to "drain." Then I put
> > the chain in a tub of motor oil and allow it to soak overnight. Then I
> > hang the chain and let it drip. Finally, I wipe the excess oil off and
> > place the chain back on the bike.
> >
> > Your thoughts and comments are appreciated.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Fitz
> If you don't mind going to that much trouble and your method works for
> you, I would say to keep on doing it. In the past I used to go to a lot
> of trouble cleaning chains. These days I just use Prolink, applying it
> by directing it at the chain and spinning the pedals backwards. Then I
> either go for a short ride or run the bike through all the gears on the
> stand to work the lube into the chain and let its' cleaning action
> work. If the chain is really filthy, I sometimes use one of those
> on-bike cleaning machines, but this is rarely necessary. Using these
> procedures I get long life out of my chains without spending a lot of
> time on them. I don't buy the expensive chains, either, usually just
> the cheaper SRAMs.
> Smokey