Ozark Bicycle wrote:
> Never have a word and a picture gone together quite so well!
> You Bushies should avoid clicking on this link, we all know the truth
> and the truth will hurt ;-)
> http://www.ozarkbicycleservice.com/gwbperfect.jpg
> Remember to vote the bums out next Tuesday!
What are you talking about you freedom loving fools?
Your freedom is your freedom to make mistakes, to fail, to starve, to
wander off cliffs, to buy high and sell low.
Reelect me and I will protect you from your worst enemy - YOURSELF! I
will keep you safe by making freedom illegal. I will keep you happy by
lying to you. I will create the illusion of prosperity by inflating the
money supply and devaluing your savings in the greatest ponzi scheme
the world has every known. I will create jobs by taking half your
income in taxes and using that money to pay people to dig holes and
fill them back up again. I will intervene to create the need for more
intervention. I will improve the economy by breaking windows. I will
drive industry and create purpose by starting endless foreign wars. I
will stage attacks on our own shores in the name of the current enemy
of the week to sow the fear necessary for you to give me the power to
do what needs to be done.
Because after all, isn't that what we all want? A strong leader to make
us do things we didn't have the courage to do ourselves.
Your freedom is your freedom to elect people like me.
Your's Truly,
Your Elected Representative
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