On 2004-05-22, Reg <
[email protected]> wrote:
> That's pretty darn silly, nb. If you can't view binaries,
> don't subscribe to binary groups. That doesn't mean no one
> else should.
I don't subscribe to binary groups. I go to html websites,
the proper place to do graphics. Sure, one can argue that if
it's possible to post graphics on Usenet, why not. But it's
like arguing it's ok to use a screwdriver as a prybar. Sure,
it works, after a fashion. But, there are serious problems
created by doing so.
Usenet was never intended for graphics. That's what html is
for. Service providers, who originally put a small amount of
storage space/bandwith/resources aside for Usenet on their
servers, now find overwhelming amounts of data (graphics
files) being xfered to lil' ol' Usenet servers. So, what
used to be a nice little service offering as a bonus, used
to attract customers, has now become a major resource hog.
Sure, they realize that a small percentage of customers want
this resource. But, that small percentage uses the
overwhelming majority of it. So, what do the ISP's do?
First, they start limiting it. No more than n gigabytes per
day. Some quit carrying it, altogether. Others start
charging for it. I'm almost in that category. While Comcast
hasn't yet changed over to a pay-for Usenet service, they
are on the verge. I've researched other ISP's. Many no
longer offer Usenet access at all and one must now pay for
it through a 3rd party commercial service, one that charges
actual money! This all because a few think they should be
allowed to use the screwdriver as a prybar.
People are often lazy and inconsiderate. It's easier to
abuse existing services like Usenet and email, never
thinking of the consequences, than to make the effort to
learn to use the applications and protocols that are more
appropriate and make efficienct use of resources. Look at my
sig ..."please trim your posts". It's basic conservation.
Recycle your trash, brew your own beer, trim your posts!
Be considerate of others and trim your posts. Thank you.