V-for-Vendicar wrote:
> "Mike Romain" <[email protected]> wrote
>> And we feel really bad for you about that too Lloyd. You really should
>> have taken that basket weaving 101 course like you mommy said and maybe
>> you could have caught up.
> Idiot KKKonservative Romain remains blissfully ignorant of the fact that
> the solar cycle is 22 years long.
For someone loose with words, you are awful dumb. You 'assume' I mean
the 'Hale' sun cycle which is 22 years.
You conveniently forget about the Gleissberg cycle which is 87 years
'or' Suess cycle which is 210 years or the Hallstatt cycle which is 2300
years or the Schwabe cycle which is 11 years.
Then there are the carbon 14 sun cycles of 105, 131, 232, 385, 504, 805,
2,241 years.
Or the Upper Permain cycle that shows 2500 year sun cycles.
Then you can get into the Milankovich earth cycles and on and on...
Yup, global warming is all man made for sure eh. LOL!
Figure we had fern trees growing at the North Pole in the Triassic
period and tell me more about this 'man made' global warming. I have
fern fossils I picked up on the shore of James Bay even.