I just made the leap and purchased my first recumbent. I did a lot of research on 'bents in general, and had a pretty good idea what I was interested in. I also didn't want to spend a small fortune on a bike before I knew it would work for me.
I'm fortunate that I live near a bike shop that specializes in recumbents:
Coventry Cycle
I went to the shop a couple of times and test rode several 'bents. They are each very different, and all handle very differently from an upright. If you can ride different models, dolove the Recumbent I known
I ended up getting a Burley Koosah. It was (relatively) inexpensive at $900. It is supposedly easy to learn on, and the long wheelbase made it comparatively stable, particularly at higher speeds. It really felt like a quality bike when I was on it, and I fell in love with it.
I've been getting used to how it handles, particularly low speed maneuvers, and I have no regrets. This is an awesome bike. My hands don't hurt and go numb, my back and neck don't hurt, and my rear doesn't get sore. I am looking forward to many miles of pain-free riding.