I do leg speed training 2 times a week even though I already have a naturally fast cadence on the road (95 to 104). I believe that this trains the brain and legs to have to peddle smoother(less bounce on saddle) at high cadences. LIke anything else with cycling-its a skills training and this is the best time of the year to train. Theres also no reason to not combine them within other training rides because they are usually done in Z2 or Z3 in a light gear so not very taxing. I used to start bouncing in the saddle at 114 rpm and now can pedal pretty smoothly at 122.
I didnt know hitting 200 wasnt possible for everyone. I thought it was something that could be trained. My first attempt I hit 180 and the second attempt I hit 193 and held it for about 5 seconds and then legs tightened up. This was of course on a stationary trainer in a light gear. I"ll never hit 200 rpm on a raod sprint (No tracks close to me), but I figure if I can train myseklf to spin over 200, it should improve my ability to hit 150 in a sprint which I see as doable and an advantage in racing.
I didnt know hitting 200 wasnt possible for everyone. I thought it was something that could be trained. My first attempt I hit 180 and the second attempt I hit 193 and held it for about 5 seconds and then legs tightened up. This was of course on a stationary trainer in a light gear. I"ll never hit 200 rpm on a raod sprint (No tracks close to me), but I figure if I can train myseklf to spin over 200, it should improve my ability to hit 150 in a sprint which I see as doable and an advantage in racing.