jazmo wrote:
> Thanks for that Bill. It's just so interesting for me to read accounts
> of this from all who passed by the accident scene.
> I spoke to the owner of the car today - nice lady.
> She did mention to me that a police officer told her that it was
> suprising how often such accidents happen along there. ( Beach Rd,
> Esplanade, etc). That at least makes me feel less of a fool.
> Keep your heads up everyone!
Sounds from all accounts you were lucky to keep your head, let alone up!
> Thanks for that Bill. It's just so interesting for me to read accounts
> of this from all who passed by the accident scene.
> I spoke to the owner of the car today - nice lady.
> She did mention to me that a police officer told her that it was
> suprising how often such accidents happen along there. ( Beach Rd,
> Esplanade, etc). That at least makes me feel less of a fool.
> Keep your heads up everyone!
Sounds from all accounts you were lucky to keep your head, let alone up!