On Sun, 24 Dec 2006 11:39:53 +1100, "Peter Signorini"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>"RV" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> They are only using the easement to the road in spite of the road.
>> The law forces them to walk alongside the road, not on the road.
>> If the road where not there they would be walking the same path,, like
>> they did before roads existed.
>Go take a trip to the country one day. There are plenty of roads with no
>footpath. Pedestrians us the road, walking on the tarmac, there are specific
>road rules to govern this use (peds are supposed to walk on the right,
>facing traffic). As I said, pedestrians use publicly-funded road facilities.
Same again, if there where no road, they would still be walking the
same path.
They are not road users, iteven in those small number of cases you
cite, the road happens to be where they desire to walk and so are
forced to walk on it.
Anyone forced to walk on a road is not a user of it, they are simply
on it becuase it is in the way of where they choose to walk.
I there was no road and only a path for pedestrains then they would be
path users, but as they are not accounted for in planning, they get
nothing and are forced to walk the roads at great risk to their lives.
>> You do realsi ethat pedestrins existed beforew cars, rads bicycles,
>> and horse andd cart
>> for that simple reason alone. to now call them road users any time
>> they may choose to walk where a road is, is simply absurd
>See above
>> Only a complete kook would suggest such an idea.
>And good day to you too.
<[email protected]> wrote:
>"RV" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> They are only using the easement to the road in spite of the road.
>> The law forces them to walk alongside the road, not on the road.
>> If the road where not there they would be walking the same path,, like
>> they did before roads existed.
>Go take a trip to the country one day. There are plenty of roads with no
>footpath. Pedestrians us the road, walking on the tarmac, there are specific
>road rules to govern this use (peds are supposed to walk on the right,
>facing traffic). As I said, pedestrians use publicly-funded road facilities.
Same again, if there where no road, they would still be walking the
same path.
They are not road users, iteven in those small number of cases you
cite, the road happens to be where they desire to walk and so are
forced to walk on it.
Anyone forced to walk on a road is not a user of it, they are simply
on it becuase it is in the way of where they choose to walk.
I there was no road and only a path for pedestrains then they would be
path users, but as they are not accounted for in planning, they get
nothing and are forced to walk the roads at great risk to their lives.
>> You do realsi ethat pedestrins existed beforew cars, rads bicycles,
>> and horse andd cart
>> for that simple reason alone. to now call them road users any time
>> they may choose to walk where a road is, is simply absurd
>See above
>> Only a complete kook would suggest such an idea.
>And good day to you too.